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His Name Resounds

by SunRae copyright 2002

And he so loved the world
that from a virgin birth
he sent his only son
to save the earth

On that day the
world did see from afar
the brilliant guidance
of a shining star

On the breath
of gosimer wings
choirs of heaven sang
harps played golden strings

rejoice! rejoice!
Oh can you hear?
his name resounds
with tidings of cheer

In a manger stark and
bare of lowly worth
in a bed of straw lay
the salvation for earth

Oh hear the angels
With trumpets proclaim
Echoing all of earth
With his holy name

Hosanna, Hosanna
The Savior Emmanuel
Mary and Joesph’s son
While on earth he dwell

Beautiful, wonderous child
Of the prophecy foretold
Saving grace of the world
Would this babies heart hold

Glory, Glory
To you our king
With birth your name
Resounds, bells ring.




The song is
"What Child Is This"
Composed and played by Yuko Ohigashi
click on her picture to visit her site.
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