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On this day in time.

January 1, 1863
Emancipation Proclamation (ending slavery) issued by Presiden Lincoln.

January 2, 1839
First photo of the moon taken by french photographer Louis Daguerre.

January 3, 1521
Martin Luther excommunicated by Roman Catholic church.

January 4, 1790
President Washington delivers first "state of the union" address.

January 5, 1896
German physicist Wilhelm Roentgen discovers the xray.

January 6, 1535
City of Lima, Peru founded by Francisco Pizarro.

January 7, 1598
Boris Godunov seizes Russian throne on death of Feodore I.

January 8, 1838
First telegraph message sent using dots and dashes (NJ).

January 9, 1317
Phillip V, the tall crowned King of France.

January 10, 1863
First underground subway opens in London.

January 11, 1963
First discotheque Whiskey a Go-Go opens in LA.

January 12, 1773
First public museum established in US (Charleston, SC).

January 13, 1559
Elizabeth I crowned Queen of England in Westminster Abbey.

January 14, 1784
Revoltionary war ends; Congress ratifies Treaty of Paris.

January 15, 1535
Henry VII declares himelf head of English church.

January 16, 1547
Ivan IV (the terrible) age 17 crowns himself first czar of Moscow.

January 17, 1773
Capt. James Cook becomes first person to cross Atlantic Circle.

January 18, 1788
English settlers arrive in Australia's Botany Bay to set up penal colony.

January 19, 1793
French King Louis XVI sentenced to death.

January 20, 1265
First English parliment called into session by Earl of Leicester.

January 21, 1789
First American novel W.H. Brown's "Power of Sympathy," published.

January 22, 1973
Supreme court rules in Roe v. Wade to allow abortion in the first six months.

January 23, 1968
Spy ship USS Pueblo seized in Sea of Japan by N. Korea.

January 24, 1848
Gold discovered at Sutter's Mill, starts California gold rush.

January 25, 1974
Dr. Christian Barnard transplants first human heart.

January 26, 1950
India becomes a republic, ceasing to be British dminn.

January 27, 1880
Thomas Edison patents electric incandescent lamp.

January 28, 1986
Space Shuttle Challenger 10 explodes 73 seconds after lift-off, killing all on board.

January 29, 1886
First succesful gasoline-driven car patented by Karl Benz in Germany.

January 30, 1948
Mohandas Ganhi, assasinated.

January 31, 1865
Gen. Robert E. Lee named commander-in-chief of Confederate Armies.

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