July 1,1997
Uk returns Hong Kong to China after more than 150 years of rule.
July 2,1979
Susan B Anthony dollar issued, first coin to honor a woman.
July 3,1608
Samuel de Champlain founds city of Quebec.
July 4,1884
Statue of Liberty presented to US in Paris.
July 5,1687
Issac Newton's Principia published by the Royal Society in England
July 6,1885
Louis Pasteur successfully test an anti-rabies vaccine.
July 7,1898
Hawaii annexed by President McKinley.
July 8,1889
Wall street Journal begins publication.
July 9,1815
First natural gas well in US is discovered.
July 10,1040
Lady Godiva rides naked on horseback to persuade her husband, the Earl of Mercia, to lower taxes.
July 11,1533
England's King Henry VIII excommunicated.
July 12,1191
Richard the Lion Hearted and the crusaders defeat the Saracens in Palestine.
July 13,1832
Source of Mississippi discovered by Henry R. Schoolcraft.
July 14,1853
First US Worlds Fair opens (Crystal Palace NY)
July 15,1815
Napoleon Bonaparte captured, later exiled on St Helena.
July 16,1429
Joan of Arc leads French army in battle of Orleans.
July 17,1821
Spain cedes Florida to US.
July 18,1925
Hitler publishes Mein Kampf.
July 19,1553
Fifteen year old Lady-Jane Grey deposed as English Queen after nine days.
July 20,1969Neil Armstrong walks on the moon, One small step...
July 21,1588
English fleet defeats Spanish Armada.
July 22,1587
Second English colony forms on Roanoke Island off NC
July 23,1904
Ice cream cone created by Charles Menches during La Purchase Expo.
July 24,1567
Mary Queen of Scotts forced to abdicate, one year old James VI becomes king of Scottland.
July 25,1956
The Italian liner Andrea Doria sinks after colliding with the Stockholm.
July 26,1775
First Postmaster General, Benjamin Franklin of PA, takes office.
July 27,1586
Sir Walter Raleigh brings first tobacco to England from Virginia.
July 28,1945
US Army B-25 hits Empire States building; 14 die.
July 29,1981
Prince Charles of England weds Lady Diana Spencer.
July 30,1935
First Penquin book published, starting the paperbak revolution
July 31,1620
Pilgrim fathers depart (through England) to America.
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