July 4TH
"Through others eyes"
By SunRae copyright2001
I wondered what I should write for the 4th of July this year. Somehow the fireworks and usual happy birthday america stuff didn't do it. Not even what this country means to me sentiments came to mind. Instead some things that left an impression on me, I thought appropriate. So this year I will write about what this country means to people from other countries.
I have a few stories to relate to you. All of them true. I will start with the eight young people I ran into at the local Wal-Mart super center one evening late. I noticed they were speaking in broken English. They had a video camera and were filming the shelves of food, including the meat and dairy counters. Me being friendly said hi where are you from? They all answered different places within Russia. These young people from all over Russia had fought hard to win contest to just be able to come to the United States for three months. They were all also working short term jobs while they were here. They had to go home soon and would be taking the video with them, because people there would not believe all the food and nice things we had here in america. They all wish they could stay here in america and work.
This second story also comes from this area. Ten people from Bosnia, over here on two year work visa's. Working for $5.00 an hour, seven days a week, all sharing a single home. Working the graveyard shift as floor crews. Hard work for anyone, much less never having a day off. And thankful from the bottom of their hearts for the priviledge of being able to work and earn money. They left to go back today because their visa's were up. At a little going away party, everyone of them cried. They had been saving what money they could and will be able to take care of their families at home in Bosnia for a very long time. Everyone of them said they would be glad to see their families but they would miss america and the friends they had made here. They said you have so much here in america and we go hungry in our country.
Then there is the story of the Sudanese that were introduced into our community recently, after being kept in interrment type camps for years. Living in desperate poverty. Never losing their christian faith they had been taught by missionarys. When they got off the plane there were tears in their eyes, each one of them knelt down and kissed the earth and said God bless america. Do they ask for a hand out? No! They want to work, to learn, and to give back. Are they trapped by the selfish delusions that we as most americans have? No! They are grateful for a smile that is given them.
We as americans really do not appreciate the freedom's and bounty with which we are blessed. Never having lived in a 3rd world country we don't realize, that color of skin, gender, rank in society all mean nothing compared to fighting to find food just to stay alive. We have never had to give up a whole months salary just to try to heat one room in the winter to keep 15 people warm and then still having ice on the walls. Instead americans grumble and complain if they are asked to work an hour of overtime or if they have to walk a block to catch a bus.
We throw tons of food away everyday that could feed the hungry and homeless in this country. We will walk over someone laying on the sidewalk without extending our hand to help them up. And yet I hear some americans complain about the help we give these people.
I would ask you all to stop and think, It is only by the grace of God that you were born into this country instead of a third world country. As a country of wealth and abundance we have a responsibility to others. WE ARE our brothers keeper.
When you look at america thru the eyes of people from other countries, you will see just how wonderful we have it in America. You will see just what our fore fathers fought and died for, and never look at america thru apathetic uncaring eyes again.
When I look at our flag I see freedom, liberty and justice for ALL, and when these people I mentioned here look at our flag they see freedom, and the liberty and justice they long for in their countries. Happy Fourth of July. INDEPENDENCE DAY!
Music: The Stars and Stripes Forver
Composed by John Phillip Sousa
Christmas Day, 1896
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