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June 1,1971
Ed Sullivan's final tv show airs on CBS

June 2,1863
Harriet Truman leads union guerillas into Maryland freeing slaves

June 3,1875
Alexander Graham Bell makes first voice transmission.

June 4,1977
Apple II, the first personal computer goes on sale.

June 5,1968
Senetor Robert F. Kennedy shot by Sirhan Sirhan, dies june 6.

June 6,1944
US and Allied forces invade Europe at Normandy, the greatest amphibious landing in history.

June 7,1654
Louis XIV crowned king of France.

June 8,1886
First Civil rights act passes

June 9,1883
First commercial electric railway line begins operation (Chicago El)

June 10,1793
First public zoo opens in Paris

June 11,1509
King Henry VII marries his first wife Catherine of Aragon

June 12,1812
Napoleon invades Russia

June 13,1983
Pioneer 10 is first man-made object to leave solar system

June 14,1940
Auschwitz concentration camp, where 3 million people were killed, opens

June 15,1215
King John signs Magna Carta at Runnymede, England

June 16,1775
Battle of Bunker Hill

June 17,1928
Amelia Earhart becomes first woman to fly across Atlantic

June 18,1812
War of 1812 begins as US declares war against Britain

June 19,1953
Julius and Ethel Rosenburg executed for espionage

June 20,1793
Eli Whitney patents his cotton gin

June 21,1945
Us defeats Japanese forces on Okinawa during WWII

June 22,1772
Slavery outlawed in England

June 23,1611
Henery Hudson set adrift on his ship in Hudson Bay by mutineers, never to be seen again

June 24,1509
Henry VII crowned King of England

June 25,1630
Fork introduced to American dining by Govenor Winthrop

June 26,1843
Hong Kong proclaimed a british crown colony

June 27,1942
FBI captures eight Nazi saboteurs off NY's Long Island

June 28,1914
Archduke Ferdinand of Austria and wife assasinated in Sarajevo, precipitating WWI

June 29,1964
Civil Rights Act of 1964 passes after 83-day filibuster in Senate

June 30,1894
London Tower Bridge opens


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