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On this day in time

March 1
1872 Yellowstone becomes world's first National Park

March 2
1836 Republic of Texas declares independence from Mexico

March 3
1791 Congress establishes the US mint

March 4
1933 FDR inaugurated as 32nd President, "We have nothing to fear but fear itself"

March 5
1770 Boston massacre; British troops kill five in crowd

March 6
1323 Treaty of Paris

March 7
1936 Hitler breaks treaty of Versailles, sends troops to Rhineland.

March 8
1999 Joe DiMaggio "The yankee Clipper" dies at age 84; holds record for 56 consecutive game hitting streak in baseball

March 9
1862 "Monitor" (Union) and "Merrimack (confed.) battle in Hampton Roads.

March 10
1876 First telephone call made (Alexander Graham Bell to Thomas Watson)

March 11
1513 Giovanni de' Medici chosen as Pope Leo x

March 12
1789 US Post Office established

March 13
1519 Cortez lands in Mexico

March 14
1900 US currency goes on gold standard

March 15
1907 Finland becomes first European country to give women the right to vote.

March 16 1968
My Lai Massacre occurs (Viet Nam War); 450 die.

March 17 1969
Golda Meir becomes Prime Minister of Israel

March 18 1881
Barnum and Baileys Greatest show on Earth opens

March 19 1628
Massachusetts colony founded by british

March 20 1760
Great fire of Boston destroys 349 buildings

March 21 1975
Ethiopia ends monarchy after 3,000 years

March 22 1457
Gutenburg Bible is the first printed book

March 23 1775
Patrick Henry proclaims "Give me liberty or give me death"

March 24 1898
First automobile sold

March 25 1954
1954 RCA manufactures first color tv set (12' screen at $1,000)

March 26 1953
Dvelopement of the salk Polio vaccine announced.

March 27 1790
Shoelace invented

March 28 1885
US Salvation Army officially organized

March 29 1827
20,000 attend Ludwig von Beethoven's burial in Vienna

March 30 1867
Alaska sold to US by Russia for 7.2 million

March 31 1889
Eiffel Tower officially opens (commemorates French revolution)

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