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What Christmas
Means To Me

Christmas is a time for loving,
holding in our hearts
All the magic and the wonder
That this blessed day imparts.

It's a time for letting bygones
Be just that, and nothing more.
Time for looking back and weighing
All we have been working for.

Christmas is a time for giving
Something more than store bought goods,
Time for spending peaceful moments,
Walking through the quiet woods.

'Tis a time for growing closer
While we have the time to spend,
Cherishing the precious moments
With a relative or friend.

Christmas is a time for sharing
Hope and joy and sorrow
Giving what is ours today
But may not be... tomorrow

'Tis time for recollection
For the sands of time run fast,
Do not squander golden moments
Do not greive for what is past.

There's a bright star in the heavens
Over a small cattle stall
And a baby in a manger
who has come to save us all.

And with love beyond all telling,
As he reaches out for me
This hushed and holy moment is
What Christmas means to me!

by Grace E Easley

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