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Message 1999

By SunRae ©

The song is Ave Maria
sung by Celine Dion

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First I want to start by saying Happy Birthday Jesus. This is the day of the birth of salvation. It is the true meaning of the holiday. We can celebrate the birth of the Christ child with greed, and decadence, or with giving and Christ like behavior. Yes my friends that is the definition of christianity. Having the qualities demonstrated and taught by Jesus, as Love, kindness, and humility. It is not being Baptist, Methodist, Catholic, or protesant. I would hope that mankind would finally see that no one particular religion has exclusivity on being christian. In my Christmas message to you for this year, I would hope for you peace, a deep abiding kindness and kinsmanship in your hearts for all mankind. Kindness toward the smallest and weakest that the lord has put in our care. An awareness of Mother earth and all the creatures that share this planet. We need to heal wounds we as humanes have created. We need to clean our air, our water, and preserve the planet for our future ( our children). If you see abuse happening stand up and say no this isn't right. Reach out your hands and feel with your hearts for the poorest of man. The prejudice and hatred between races must end if we are to survive as a people. We need to constantly think and say to ourselves what would Jesus do in this situation. We are talking about a man that was not afraid to walk among the leapers. Why should we be afraid to feed a homeless person or hug someone who is dying. I would be so happy if this Christmas message reached the hearts of all that read it. Our father who gave us this child on this day for our salvation, would be pleased and joyous if this message was heard. Many blessings and a peaceful Christmas to all of you!

This is a Yule candle. These candles are dressed for the yule in ribbons and herbs that have special meaning. They are what you wish for the coming year.

This candle has been dressed with a red ribbon. A red ribbon is for energy, strength, passion,courage, career goals, love and survival.

This candle has also been dressed with certain herbs.
1.Pine--for prosperity
2.Bowmans root--for strength
3.Cranesbill--for peace
4.Rose--for healing
5.Yarrow--for courage
6.Basil--for Love

I choose this combination of herbs and ribbon, for my family and friends who read this message. We all need one, some, or all of these things. This candle was lit on the winter solstice and the moon this year is the brightest it has been in 133 years. It is pretty amazing, to think it will not be this way again for another hundred or so years.

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