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A Christmas Message

Merry Christ Birth. It is just amazing that it has been 2000 years since the birth of Jesus. To reflect on a birth of a tiny infant that for 2000 years has had so much to do with the world the way it is. Just think about it; Has there been another that has been talked about, followed or worshiped like he has been? His words and teachings have molded and give sustanance to all of society in some form or other. So as we celebrate the Christ Child's birth this year, we need to really think of the extrordinary life that was given us and all that it means to our existance and spirituality.

We as people have such an ability to love one another. If we extend love to others it is returned and our spiritual growth is enhanced. This millenium is known as the time for spirituality and rebirth. I would wish for you all that you find the love, peace, true life path you seek and discover the true meaning of love. Jesus Christ Birthday is a celebration of love. Not the commercial kind of giving you see under a tree, but the giving of self. This is the only truely meaningful giving. When you give of your time, your knowledge, your patience, your ethics, your love.

Jesus was born in a manger, his parents were not wealthy, he traveled about the earth with no earthly possesions, he wore ramants not of gold, but of common man, he ate to sustain not to feast. And yet he was a rich man. He gave gifts so much more precious than gold or wealth. He gave sight to the blind, healed the lame, cured leapors, brought loved ones back to life, taught us the path of faith and humiliation.

So even though you enjoy all that your given materialy this year, please take the time to enjoy the gifts your given of love. Like time with family, seeing the story of his birth redone, listening to a choir sing his birthday songs and a little child saying happy birthday Jesus.

Also Please take the time to give the gift of your love to all those who need the basic neccesities of life, to those that are old and lonely, to those who are bitter with life, to those who have given up on life and to those whose brains and thoughts are consumed with a mind controlling substance of drugs or alcohol.

Merry Christmas, Happy Birthday Jesus!

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