Happy New Year 2000
by SunRae ©2000
Happy New Year 2000. It is a time to be
reflective. Especially of the last fifty
years of this century. It is so
astoundingly unbelievable when you look
back at what man has accomplished and at
what rate of speed it has been done. But
there has been a price and a toll that
our environment has payed because of the
industrialization. It is the speed and
greed with which we are forging ahead
that is the problem. We are destroying
the very basic things we need to survive
thinking we are making a better life.
My wish for the coming year,
century, and millennium is that our
children and childrens-children, will be
able to grow up in a world of beauty and
peace. A world where they will have
clean water to drink, trees that aren't
to diseased to climb in, rain
forest that are still there to
provide new miracles in medicine, food
to eat that isn't contaminated with
chemicals, to be able to hear the howl
of the wolf, the growl of a tiger, or to
see a wild buffalo.
My wish would also be to have
money mean less and smiling mean more.
For people who have more than enough to
eat, to feed those who hunger. For
those who lack hope and are living in
despair to find a thread of
spirituality and a way back to
happiness. For us in our humanity to
set aside anger and hatred and have them
replaced with love and understanding.
May the time that stretches
ahead of us bring happiness and
prosperity of spirit to all.
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