See if you can answer these questions
regarding the "Emerald Isle". May the
luck o' the Irish be wi'ya.
1. What is "Leith Bhroyan" (the
shoemaker) better known as?
2. What is the "bean-shide", the women
who stand near death, mourning and
wailing, better known as?
3. Why according to legend was the "Red
Hand of Ulster" red?
4. What power was first made known to
Cormac the strong?
5. Three sons, and a daughter were
turned into swans? Who were they?
6. Name the light used to light one's
path in limbo.
7. Who was the leader of "The Feanna"
8. What was used by St. Patrick to
illustrate the concept of the Holy
9. Jimmy Stewart aside, what fearsome
creature used to lure warriors to their
10.Who was Maewyn Succat better known
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