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Thanksgiving Prayer

Thanksgiving Prayer
by SunRae

In keeping with Iroquoian ways, I am sending you my prayer for Thanksgiving. Iroquois begin prayer with the lowest spiritual forces on earth continuing to those in the sky and then beyond the sky.

To the natural world, greetings. As the cycles of life continue and we gather together. Having been given the responsibility of living in balance and harmony with each other and all living things. So now it is that our minds come together as one. Giving thanks and greetings to each other as people.


We give thanks to our mother the earth. Everything to sustain life is given thru mother earth. As we walk upon her she supports our feet. From the beginning of time she has given joyfully of her care for us and continues to do so. To our mother we are thankful and send greetings.


We are thankful to water that quenches our thirst, snow which replenishes water and cleans the air. Rain which soothes us and washes away our wastefulness. To water we give thanks for the sustenance of life it provides.


We give thanks to the fish for they purify our lakes and waters. Provide us with nourishment.
We give thanks to the plants. Warm winds bring green grasses, making a soft carpet for our feet. The berrys bring us sustenance and health. The medicinal plants which heal our bodies. Corn giving nourishment. To the plants we give thanks.


We are thankful to the animal creatures. Deer who's pelts warm our soul, our feet, and our lodges make comfortable. Wolf our companion since early times. Teacher of respect, loyalty, protectiveness and repect of family. Bear we are glad for spring when they reappear. A sign of rejuvenating life in the budding time. We give thanks to all the animal spirits for teaching us survival and giving us sustenance. We are thankful for all you give and continue to give. For without your spirits we would cease to exist.


We give thanks to the trees which purify our air. Provide us coolness from the heat, shelter from the wind, heat for our bodies, nuts and fruits for sustenance. The maple for it sap of sweetness. The pine tree our first symbol of peace.


To the birds we are thankful. They come carrying messages. Eagle warns of danger. Hawk teaches us watchfulness and good hunting skills. they carry seed and play joyously with wind spirit. They signal changing seasons. For their knowledge we are thankful.


We give thanks to the winds that blow from the four courners of the earth. For refreshing our air and providing us with coolness.
Grandfather thunder, who brings forth the raindrops in early summer. The bounty of new growth drinks from the rain
Elder Brother sun who is there to greet us each morning and bring in a new day, giving us light and warmth.
Grandmother moon who brings the tides in and out with the motion of life. She watches over the arrival of children.
The stars that guide us home and tell the changing seasons. To the spirits of the sky we give thanks.


We give thanks to the protectors who teach us how to live in truth to our own spirits. To handsome Lake who brings forth the words of the creator. To the creator of all things and life, we give thanks and will share with one another all these good and wonderful things.


Given with respect for all life and love for all mankind. I end this prayer with a hope for peace, harmony, and unity in the world. So be it.

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