Thanksgiving story The Red Pajamas
This is a Norman Rockwell Painting
titled "Freedom From Want"
The Red Pajama's
by SunRae copyright10/30/2003
It was a typical home in the Heartland of America. People had old fashion values here and rarely changed their ways or minds about anything. The Day had started normal enough, but grew stranger as the day went on. Grandma had risen early and started preparing a breakfast of toast and oatmeal. Her toast was especially good because it was made from her bread she had baked the day before. Grandpa had made his way to the chair by the old woodstove and was patting their dog Imperial on the head sleepily. Imperial had gotten his name as a pup when he stole a stick of the margarine by the same name and thoroughly enjoyed the whole thing till grandma caught him. They were quite the pair sitting there, grandpa in his red union suit with the backdoor flap that he called his pajamas and imperial with his head keeping grandpas feet warm. They heard grandma calling from the kitchen, "your breakfast is ready old man". Well Imperial wasted no time in making his way to the place under the table where delicious stuff just seemed to mysteriously fall from the sky. Grandpa was a little slower but he always enjoyed grandmas cooking and arrived shortly after Imperial had. They sat there talking like they had for forty nine years, comfortably almost knowing what the other was going to say before it was said. Grandpa told her that he was going to take the old truck into town for some things they needed today. Grandma knew he really was just figuring a way to get down to the local fast food place and sit with his old cronies who had for years joined each other over coffee at around 10:00am every morning except Sundays. Grandma busied herself with starting her day cleaning up the breakfast dishes. She would wait till grandpa left and head to the sewing room , where she had been working on a new flannel shirt for christmas for grandpa. It was red of course, his favorite color. She had to admit that even after being married to him for forty nine years, she still couldn't keep the crinkle from the corners of her eyes with a smile when he was dressed up in a nice new shirt. It hadn't been love at first sight with them, but then again first sight was kindergarten in a very small class of about ten children. Back then he thought girls were something to be tormented with frogs and snakes. It wasn't until they were about thirteen that they started looking at each other with a different light in their eyes. All of the neighborhood kids had planned for weeks to have a snowball fight. Forts had been built and carefully iced down. Piles and piles of snowballs were made in readiness. When the big day came grandpas team took a commanding lead right away, while grandmas team floundered. She was just coming out from behind her fort with a white flag of surrender when it happened. The snowball came out of grandpas hand before he saw the flag and hit her squarely in the face. It was a hard packed snowball and when it hit she fell to the ground with red oozing from her nose. Grandpa mortified ran to her at once and picked her up handing her his nice clean white handkerchief. From the moment he looked into her eyes that day his heart was captured. He has been by her side protecting her every since. By the time 9:30am came, grandma had done the laundry, hung it out to dry, vacuumed, fed Imperial, and dusted the living room. Grandpa never did figure out how she got so much done in such a short period of time. After years of raising their two sons, a garden, various livestock, pets and an award winning flower garden, grandma had her routine down to a fine art. Grandpa give her a kiss and said I'll see ya later old woman I love you. In all the years they had been together they had never went to sleep or left each other without saying those three words. As he climbed up into the cab of the truck grandpa saw Imperial come running, he hadn't seen him since grandma had let him out after breakfast that morning. Imperial jumped up into the truck bed ready for his trip to town with grandpa.
Imperial joined grandpa almost every time he went to town. While grandpa was talking with his friends, Imperial investigated the town, making new friends daily. Imperial had his stops along the way, the little coffee shop on main usually got him a doughnut, the restaurant on Walnut St. when approached from the alley near the backdoor almost always got him a nice piece of meat from the chef that took his breaks there. Imperial wagging his tail in anticipation, thought life was very good.
Grandpa was deep in conversation with his friends about the farmers almanac and if they were going to get a lot of snow that year. Imperial was busy investigating all the backstreets and alleys in town. He was advancing down one alley when he jumped a little in surprise. A pile of old cardboard boxes started moving. Well old Imperials curiosity got the better of him so he started toward the boxes. Just then a hand reached out to him, Imperial recognized the owner of the hand then. Matter of fact he had looked for it in one of the other alleys. James was seventeen years old, homeless, scared and had found a friend in the old friendly dog. Imperial stayed for awhile letting the dirty faced boy hug and kiss him, then he was on his way. After getting his regular treats and pats on the head, Imperial headed back for the truck and grandpa. Grandpa was just heading out to the truck after his last cup of coffee when he spotted Imperial jumping in the back. The old man said well I guess he's ready to go home and get some of grandmas lunch too.
Grandma heard the truck pulling in the drive and hurriedly put up her sewing and headed to the kitchen to make some sandwiches for her two fellows. The rest of the day went by pretty fast and after supper that night grandma went out to retrieve the clothes from the line. Something struck her odd but she couldn't put her finger on it. Once inside she started folding clothes and grandpa hollered in where's my red pajamas? Grandma said well I washed them this morning. Grandpa came in the room and saw a very peculiar look on Grandmas face. She was talking to herself, "now dern it I know I hung them on the line". What do you mean said grandpa? Your red pajamas are gone! I washed them and hung them out to dry and they're gone! Well grandpa was very upset, those were his favorite pj's and he wanted to know where they had gotten off too. Grandma said you know, I couldn't find my grey sweater last week but I thought I had just misplaced it and there has been other small things that have come up among the missing. Grandpa exclaimed loudly, YOU MEAN THERE'S A THIEF HERE! Oh now grandpa don't get your pressure up, I am sure there is an explanation.
That night on the phone grandpa was telling his son Thomas about his red pajamas. Thomas told him they were coming for Sunday dinner and would find a solution then. Well between then and Sunday a loaf of grandmas homemade bread and some apples from the fruit bowl came up missing. Thanksgiving was in two weeks and the whole family would be here for over the holidays. Their son Thomas, his wife and two children, their son Adam, his wife and brand new son, grandpas younger sister who had never married and grandmas nephew would all be there this year. They would start coming in the weekend before Thanksgiving and the house would fill up as the days went on.
Grandpa couldn't wait to show Adam the rocking chair he had been working on for the new baby in the shop behind the house.
Sunday at dinner, Thomas handed grandpa a cam-corder he said just set this to watch the kitchen and back door, maybe we can catch whoever is taking things around here. We keep the doors locked and just can't figure it out said grandpa. Thomas hugged and kissed his parents goodbye and said I'll see you next week. The week went bye fast. Grandpa and Imperial made their daily trips to town and grandma finished the shirt she was working on. She wrapped the shirt in tissue paper and hid it behind the curtain in her sewing room.
During that week an old pair of boots of grandpas sitting on the back steps , a pair of his socks from the line, and more of grandmas baking goods from the kitchen disappeared. Grandpa had tried his hardest to work that camera thing but couldn't figure it out, so Thomas told him he would fix it when his family came up on Sunday night. Saturday it turned cold and snowed four inches overnight. When Thomas's family arrived on Sunday night, it was snowing again. They came into the house shaking off snow with red noses and smiles on their faces. Grandma had hot chocolate all made and ready.
Monday found grandma and her daughter in law baking pies frantically in the kitchen, while the men were bringing in fire wood for the fireplace and shoveling snow. Grandma said while the guys are outside do you want to see the shirt I made grandpa? They went into the sewing room and grandma pulled back the curtain. OH NO! The shirt is gone! Grandpas fine new red shirt I made him is gone. Grandmas heart felt bewildered, they had never in all their years had a problem with things being stolen from them. Grandpa and Thomas were summoned from outside and told of the missing shirt. Thomas went and set the camera up so it would record who was coming and going in the house. We'll catch them, don't worry. They all went to bed that night a little uneasy about the things that were happening in the house. The next morning they looked at the tape but nothing unusual happened. That day Adam and his family arrived. It was Tuesday and Thanksgiving was getting closer That night Grandpas sister arrived. The pies that had been made were all wrapped in readiness to take the next morning to the church for their dinner they held every year. Grandma had made dozens of fresh yeast rolls too and they were all wrapped in packages of one dozen each. The next morning everyone was eating breakfast, grandpa was sitting in the new red union suit that Adam had brought him, and grandma was packing boxes to take to town. All of the sudden she said some of my rolls are missing. Well they thought to look at the camera then. As they watched the film they became surprised when they saw who the thief was. Right there on film was Imperial stretching up on the counter and taking a package of grandmas rolls. He carried the rolls out the dog door in the kitchen and disappeared. Well shortly after it showed him coming back in without the rolls. They all looked down at the dog laying in his favorite place under the table. Grandpa says I wonder what he is doing with all this stuff? Thomas said well lets follow him and see. Grandpa, Thomas, and Adam, started carrying grandmas baked goods to the truck to take into town. When they went to set the boxes in the back of the truck there was grandmas rolls Imperial had taken. They decided to leave them in the truck bed and watch Imperial when they got to town. It was the day before Thanksgiving and it was snowing again. The flakes fell softly, and covered the boxes by the time they reached town. They stopped at the church and carried the packages in. Imperial however didn't get out of the truck. Thomas said, Dad do you still go to the restaurant for coffee every morning? Yup I sure do. Well lets head over that way and go inside. We'll watch out the window to see if Imperial takes the rolls with him. Shortly after all three men got inside the restaurant and were watching out the window, Imperial jumped out of the truck with the rolls in his mouth. Well I'll tell you it was a peculiar sight watching a big ole dog with three men trying to follow him like sleuths in a mystery movie. They weaved in and out of streets and a couple parks following Imperial. All the while the snow was falling harder. The men were amazed at how much territory Imperial cover in a short time. Finally Imperial headed down this alley that seemed to go no where. As the men looked down the alley all the saw was big piles of stuff covered with snow. Imperial seemed to know which pile he was looking for, because he headed right for it. The men stood at the entrance to the alley watching when all of a sudden they saw a small movement from the pile of snow at the end of the alley. Then they saw a hand reach out and take the bag of rolls from Imperial. The hand then came out once again and started petting Imperial. The men started down the alley then not knowing what to think. Imperial saw his family approaching and stood watching them as the hand continued to pet him. As the men got closer they could hear a somewhat weak voice telling Imperial how much they loved him. Well Thomas got close enough to lift some of the things off the pile and the men stood there with their mouths open in amazement. Right in front of them was a boy, in his teens from the look, dressed in grandmas gray sweater, a new red flannel shirt, the missing boots, and grandpas red pajamas! He was shaking and pleading with the men to please not hurt him. Grandpa seeing the boy was thin, dirty, scared, and cold, felt something tug at his heart. With a soft voice he ask the boy his name and assured him they were not going to hurt him. My name is James sir. Well James that is my old dog Imperial right there and those are my red pajamas your wearing. James looking crestfallen said I am sorry sir I will give them back to you. Imperial standing there with his tail wagging was taking in the whole scene. Son said grandpa, where is your family? I have no family sir and this is my home. Grandpa turned around then and looked at his two sons, they both had tears in there eyes that matched grandpas. Grandpa said son as he turned back around, would you like to come home with us and share Thanksgiving. James looked down at Imperial who was staring back with pleading eyes. Sir I would love too but I don't want to be a bother. Your not a bother son and your already wearing my red pajamas, he said with a chuckle. Well I guess you know they all looked even more peculiar coming out of the alley, grandpa had his arm on the shoulder of a boy who could only be described as a fashion accident, the two brothers had their arms on each others shoulders, and Imperial was pulling up the rear carrying the bag of rolls back out of the alley.
On the trip back home they all talked and started getting to know each other. They all found out James had been put in a children's home when he was about eight years old after his mother had died. He had not adapted well and was a loner. No one was there to comfort him or give him direction. As he grew older he would go to school but did poorly with his grades. When he turned sixteen the people at the home said he was legally an adult and told him there was no room for him at the home. Scared, and alone he packed his meager belongings and left. He had tried to find a job but no one would hire someone without an address. So he had blended into the streets, and tried to survive.
They pulled in the driveway which had been covered once again with snow while they were gone. All the people who were expected for the holiday had arrived. Stomping off snow They started in the back door, Thomas, Adam, grandpa, James, and Imperial holding the bag of rolls. Well grandma immediately took in the situation with a mothers intuition, looked in grandpas eyes and with just a look between them it was understood that bringing the boy home was the right thing to do. Come in and sit by the fire, get warm, said grandma as she passed out cups of her hot chocolate.
After the hot chocolate and introductions all around James was taken upstairs where he found a nice hot bath waiting for him and Grandma's nephew who looked to be about the same size fit brought James a fresh outfit of clothing.
Some time after James was soaking in the tub the whole family surrounded ole Imperial, who was sitting wagging his tail like he was the proudest dog in the world. Grandpa spoke first, saying God truly works in mysterious ways. Imperial had seen what everyone in town had ignored for weeks. Most people had walked by James thinking he was a drug addict or bum. They had held their heads high and walked on by without seeing the desperate need in a childs face. Or perhaps they didn't want to see that another human being needed a hand to hold onto for strength and compassion. Imperial however being a dog never acquired the trappings that humans do, so he sensed the need and did what a dog would do, tried to care for and protect someone who loved and needed him.
When James had come down from his bath, he had tears in his eyes. He said I don't know how to thank you as his arm fell around the neck of Imperial. I wouldn't have survived if this dog hadn't helped me. I was so cold that day he brought me the red pajamas. If I hadn't had them that night I would have froze. That night James slept in a real bed for the first time in months. He dreamt of his mother and saw her smiling face glowing, she was telling him everything would be alright now. He had missed her so much, he could remember her soft voice singing to him as she would brush the lock of hair away from his face. As he slept Imperial laid beside the bed watching over him.
Thanksgiving day arrived and the family woke up to more fresh fallen snow and the most tantalizing smells coming from the kitchen.
Grandma had gotten up early and had the huge turkey roasting in the oven. A breakfast of hot cinnamon rolls and cocoa was waiting for all. James came in the kitchen and said I want to thank you all again for letting me stay here last night and for the inviting me to dinner today. Grandma and Grandpa looked at each other with that special twinkle in their eyes. Well the men outfitted James with some warm clothing and took him outside to help shovel snow and bring in firewood for the fireplace.
Later on that day they sat down to their Thanksgiving meal. With hands joined they bowed their heads in prayer. Grandpa always lead the Thanksgiving prayer. Lord thank you for the bounty, for my family, for the love of my life, and for Imperial, your messenger of love. It went around the table all saying a prayer of thanks. When it came to James his prayer held everyone's heart. Lord you know me James, I have talked to you often. I know you heard my prayers Lord because I am in a warm house, I slept in a real bed, there is lots of food on the table, but most of all Lord thank you for the love of the people in this home and for the friend you gave me in Imperial. Please tell my Mom that I love her. With tears in their eyes and smiles on their faces they all remained holding hands. Grandpa spoke as he turned toward James. James we were going to wait until after dinner to tell you this but I think now would be a good time. We all had a family meeting after you went to bed last night. We unanimously voted to make you a part of this family if you would like that. That would mean you would live here with Grandma and I. You would have to go back to school and get your diploma and do chores just like our boys had to when they were home. It has been something we have missed around here, having a child to cook for and do things with. Their sons both spoke up and said they would help with clothing and money for school. James fell to his knees, looked toward heaven saying Lord you have given me a family, I am the most thankful person in the world! Mom I am going to be ok now.
Well said grandpa there is only one thing I would like you to do James. James said anything you want I will do it. Grandpa just chuckled and said give me back my Red Pajamas! Everyone busted our laughing then. Imperial sitting in his place under the table barked his impatience for the meal to get started and they all sat down to grandmas best Thanksgiving meal yet.
Thanksgiving thought: We all live in such a fast paced society, that we often overlook or just don't see the very fundamental things in life we have to be thankful for. If we lost our family, shelter, clothing, food, friends and were completely alone in this world, what would we be thankful for? It would do to remember that it is not money or things that make us happy. In James case in was the friendship of Imperial and the ability to give love to someone. Be thankful for not what you have in your life but whom you have in it. If we lost everything tomorrow do you think we would remember a crystal chandelier or a big screen TV? Or do you think it would be a childs hug, a word of encouragement from a parent, a passionate kiss from your love, or a family joined together in prayer and love at a holiday meal? Happy Thanksgiving.
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