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A timeless love story at Christmas.
By SunRae' copyright 12/05/2004

It was the fifth of december and Jacob was home for the holidays. He was in his junior year at college and with money being very hard to come by he had done no Christmas shopping. His mom and dad had been very good to Jacob and had sacrificed a lot in order for him to attend college. He wanted to give them something that would show how much he loved and appreciated them. He was sure he would come up with something soon, but for right now he had to hurry because his family was going to his grandmothers to help put up a tree for her. Amanda Lace Johnson was one of those rare people who drew others to her. At seventy two years she was still sharp minded and witty. Jacob loved his grandmother very much and had spent a lot of his childhood rambling through her old home. She would often tell him of things and places visited by her and Jacob's grandfather when they were young. He remembered his grandfather somewhat. He was six when his grandfather was called home right after Thanksgiving that year. He still had all of the toys and things his grandfather had made for him. He could remember how his grandmother had nearly died herself of grieving. A little of the life in grandmother's eyes died with his grandfather. Through the years Jacob had come to know through looking at pictures and listening to his grandmother tell of the love they had for each other, how very special their love was. It wasn't the kind of love that died with the human form. It was an eternal love, everlasting, and timeless.

When his family arrived at his grandmothers, she was there at the door to greet them. Waiting with open arms for her hug from Jacob. As Jacob come through the door he swept his grandmother up in a huge hug, picking her up off her feet and twirling her around the room, planting kisses on each cheek as they twirled. She just glowed, and laughed with the attention. She was surprised to see how much more mature he had become since summer break even. Jacob had a special place in her heart not only because he was her grandson but also because he looked so much like his grandfather Arthur. She had a remembrance of how they use to call themselves the AJ's and how he would sweep her off her feet just like Jacob.

Her and Arthur had grown up together and their families had attended the same church. She really could not remember a time when she hadn't loved him. When asked when she knew she was in love with him, she would always say forever, we were born to love each other. As children they never went through the awkward stages of boys not liking girls or thinking boys were silly. They were always comfortable with each other, a true pair exploring the world together. Arthur being two years older never made her feel she was out of place because she was younger. They grew up never really needing anyone else. When Arthur turned eighteen in April of his senior year in high school, he started talking to her about joining the service when he graduated. This scared Amanda but she knew that he felt it his duty and privilege to serve his country. Amanda turned sixteen in May and celebrated her birthday with all those she loved. So when graduation was done in June they both had gone to her parents and ask their permission to marry before Arthur left for basic training. Amanda's parents knowing it would be useless to disagree gave their permission and they were married July fourth. Everyone said they had never seen two people more made for each other. They had a brief honeymoon and two weeks later Arthur reported for basic training. The next three years were hard for them both. The separation however never dulled their love and they wrote each other everyday. Arthur would always end his letters in the same way " I love you everyday in the same way, even unto after death parts us, eternally" yours Arthur. Amanda treasured each of those letters and still kept them nearby. She would pull them out and read them sometimes in the quiet evenings when she wanted to feel Arthur there close to her.

Jacob and his parents brought the Christmas tree in and set it up in the stand right in the middle of the big bay windows. With ten foot ceilings and the old kind of bay windows, it had always been the perfect space for the Christmas tree. While letting the branch's fall Jacobs parents went into the kitchen to get the hot chocolate and cookies that grandmother had already prepared. While they were out of the room Jacob asked his grandmother what he could do for them for Christmas. She knew funds were very tight for him and after thinking for a moment she replied with, "I think I have the perfect solution for you Jacob". Your grandfathers woodshop is still the same as he left it all those years ago. He had many plans for things to build and all the equipment to do it with. I know in my heart that your grandfather would have wanted you to use his shop and if he were still here with us he would be out there with you, helping you. Jacob said grandmother that is a wonderful idea, I will be out here tomorrow to get started.

The next day Jacob showed up early at his grandmothers. After a hot cup of cocoa he headed out to his grandfathers workshop. When he entered the door it was as if time had stood still. Everything was left like someone would be back any second. Except for the dust and cobwebs you would never know it had been idle so long. He grabbed up a broom that stood by the door and started cleaning up. As he swept he began to realize that his grandfathers spirit was everywhere here, in every board he stepped on, in every tool he picked up. On one work bench he spotted a half done grandfather clock. The workmanship was exquisite and there was a little piece of paper tacked to the wall behind it with his parents name on it and the directions for the clock. Jacob realized right away that this must have been their Christmas gift the year grandfather had passed. He vowed right then and there to finish it for them. As he looked around further he discovered a large file cabinet with plans for many items inside. He really didn't know how much time had gone by while he sat there looking through them. He saw his name on many and recognized a lot of his toys from childhood. He came across a plan for a manger and remember hearing his mother say she wished she had one for her nativity collection. Well that solved his mothers gift. Next he came across plans for a mans jewelry type box. He could remember his father always laying his watches, rings etc on the dresser, so the decision for the box was made for his father. As he looked at his watch he realized it had been four hours since he walked into the workshop and began to feel a little hungry. So he walked back to the house where his grandmother had a lunch already for him. She asked if he found something he could use and he told her yes. He also told her how wonderful his grandfathers workshop was and that he felt like he was there with him. She smiled and said Jacob, he is always with us dear. If he were still alive he would be out there with you showing you all of his crafts and loving every second of it, just as much as he loved you.

The rest of the afternoon was spent by Jacob investigating the workshop. He was amazed at the quality of wood that had been kept and the fact that there was so much of it. He could work on many projects and never run out of materials. He would come back tomorrow and get started on his parents gifts. He also wanted to make something very special for his grandmother.

When he got home that night his parents ask about his grandmother and he replied she was fine and that he wanted to go over and spend more time with her. Jacobs parents knew the special bond between them and didn't question for a second the fact that their son wanted to spend most of his break with her.

The next morning he awoke early and went to his grandmothers. When he got there he started up the back steps and saw his grandmother sitting at the kitchen table. She seemed to be having a conversation with someone but, there was no one in the chair across from her. It was then after watching her for a few moments that Jacob realized she was talking to his grandfather. He was beginning to see that love, real love, last eternally, that the bonds of earth don't exist in this kind of love.

Jacob knocked softly on the door and his grandmother motioned him to come in. Good morning grandson, I was just talking to your grandfather, like I have every morning of our lives together. Are you getting an early start on your projects today? Jacob told her that he was excited about working in the workshop and he wanted to get started. He also said Grandmother do you think I will ever find a love like you and grandfather had? Well Jacob no two loves are the same but, when the person that is meant for you comes along you will know it. You will feel it somewhere deep inside and it will spread through your whole being like a fire you can't put out.

After some coffee and fresh blueberry muffins, Jacob went out to the woodshop. He started on the grandfather clock that wasn't far from being finished. He saw what a fine craftsman his grandfather had been, the clock was made with detail and love, you could see it in every inch of the wood. As he was working Jacob began to realize how much he loved doing this kind of work. It was relaxing and very satisfying to create with your own hands. After he finished putting the last layer of sealer on the clock, he looked at it and thought how much his parents were going to love it, especially his mom seeing something her father had made.

The rest of the week went by very fast and Jacob completed the gifts for his parents. The inlay work had been a little tricky on his fathers box, but the plans were so detailed that he was able to complete it. The lunch and breakfast he shared with his grandmother all that week were very special also. She would tell Jacob about the Christmas season and how very special it had been for Arthur and herself. She said you know Jacob I think Christmas was the happiest time of year for your grandfather. He would stay out in that shop for hours and was always singing carols when he came inside. Having you here working out there has reminded me of those times and how very special they were.

Jacob only had his grandmothers gift left to make and he had selected a box that had some very detailed wood carvings in it. He thought she would like it to hold all the letters from his grandfather. He had almost completed carving the top of the box, sitting there at the work bench, when he decided to give his eyes a rest. H leaned back in the chair rubbing the back of his neck when he spotted it. He looked again and yes there was something tucked away on the beam over the workbench. Curiosity getting the best of him he went and got a ladder to get a better look. There was a box about six by six by three deep sitting there on the beam. Jacob carried it down the ladder and set it on the bench. It was covered with a heavy layer of dust and had been there a very long time. As he cleaned the dust off he began to see an exquisite piece of work reveal itself. The top had been inlayed with turquoise and silver. The turquoise was a greenish blue with matrix in a beautiful arrangement. The turquoise spelled out Amanda and the silver had been used almost like leading in a stained glass window. The outer edge had pieces of coral colored stone inlayed with the same detail and care. Jacob thought that he felt his grandfather's hand on his shoulder just then. He knew his grandfather had wanted him to find this box. His hands were shaking a little as he opened the lid to the box. Inside was a letter and a smaller box. As he opened the letter his eyes misted over. His heart hurt for the love he felt pouring over and through the words of his grandfather to his grandmother. He then turned to the little box and as he opened it a gasp escaped his lips. Inside the little box was a ring, one of the most beautiful rings he had ever seen. The center stone was an emerald, brilliant cut, the quality of the stone was remarkable. Surrounding the emerald was a perfect circle of diamonds and they were all set in platinum. Jacob knew his grandfather must have saved for a very long time to buy his grandmother such an expensive ring. He would have given it to her that Christmas when he had died. It had sit on that beam all these years until Jacob had found it. Well his grandmother would be given his grandfathers gift this Christmas.

Jacob finished the box for his grandmother two days before Christmas and if he did say so his self he had done really well with the woodworking. For the next two days he helped his parents and watched as they prepared for the family dinner on Christmas day. When Christmas finally arrived he helped his parents load the car with food and gifts. They arrived at his grandmothers early, his mom and grandmother headed for the kitchen, a mother, daughter tradition that had been going on as long as he could remember. His mother had been their only child and you knew that they had loved her very much, because his mother and father in turn had given him an exceptional example of how loving parents are suppose to be.

Dinner was almost ready when some other guest started to arrive. Some long time friends of his grandparents who would have otherwise had to spend the holidays alone always came, and a great aunt with a couple of cousins. The dinner was delicious as usual and everyone could hardly walk when they finally left the table. Jacob and his two cousins pitched in and cleared the table, loaded the dishwasher, then joined the others in the living room where they were having coffee. After visiting for awhile the friends and other family members left. Jacob and his parents had always waited til all company left before they shared the tree with his grandmother. His parents had given him a palm pilot to take back to school with him. As his grandmother handed him his gift, a glistening was in the corner of her eyes. He opened the gift slowly and sat in stunned silence when he saw the gift. Jacob that was your great grandfathers, he passed it on to your grandfather, now I am giving it to you to care for. Jacob looked up from the package that held the most beautiful eighteen carat gold pocket watch he had ever seen, with tears in his eyes. This was truly one Christmas that would never be forgotten by anyone.

Jacob said I have to go get your gifts and got up to go out to the woodshop. He first brought in the manger he had made to his mother and then the inlayed box for his father. They were very surprised and amazed that he had been using his time to make gifts. The next he brought in was the carved box for his grandmother. He told her he made it for the letters from his grandfather. They all thanked him and you could tell they truly loved their gifts. Then he said mom, dad there is something else. He then brought out the clock and handed her the plans that had his grandfathers writing on it. His parents both gasp and the tears spilled over in his mothers eyes. Grandfather had it all made, all I did was finish it for him. They all hugged and his grandmother whispered, Jacob you have grown into such a fine man. They all sat there for a moment talking about what a wonderful Christmas it had been. Jacob said oh, but it's not over yet, wait right here. Jacob went out, got the box and when he handed it to his grandmother his hands were shaking. She sat there for a long time just looking at the box, then finally said, this is Arthur's work, I would know it anywhere. Jacob said open the box grandmother. When she opened the box she saw the letter and opened it. The tears were running down her face when after reading it she held it close to her heart. Then she picked up the smaller box and opened it. When she took the ring out of the box they all sat there spellbound over the complete look of love on her face. She placed the ring on her finger and said this is where it will stay until the day I die. Jacobs mother looking at the ring said, oh mom that is you and dad's birthstones. Yes it is my dear and this ring has more meaning than you know.

Jacob thought back to the letter he had read the day he found it in the box. He knew some of the meaning behind the ring. The Letter from what he remembered read;

Amanda, My love, my life, this ring is but a mear symbol. It can never show the measure of the love I have for you, but can only glimpse at it. The emerald represents you, because you are the center of my universe it was placed in the center of the ring. The diamonds represent me and will always surround you with love. The circle is eternal as is my love for you. The platinum is most precious, as you are the most precious thing in life to me. I love you every day in the same way, even unto after death parts us, eternally. Merry Christmas Arthur

Jacob went back to school after break and in some ways was changed forever by Christmas that year. Then it happened sometime in April. The blossoms were on all the trees and campus looked wonderful. The first thing that caught his eye was the long swaying red hair and then as she came closer the pixie like quality in her face. When she looked up at him she smiled and he was lost forever in the most beautiful emerald green eyes he had ever seen. Her name was Emily and they were never very far apart after the first meeting. He took her home to meet the family during the summer. They all loved her and his grandmother let him know right off that this was the one. Jacob completed his last year at college and his whole family came to graduation. His grandmother reminded him again that love is eternal and never leaves you. Jacob went back to his hometown and set up his practice. Emily visited often and was completing her last year at college. In November that year Jacob lost his grandmother and was unconsolable in his grief. At the reading of the will he was handed a letter and a little box

His grandmother wrote; Jacob, remember love is eternal, I am always with you. This ring is now yours and I want you to give it to the eternal love in your life. Love grandmother.
She also left Jacob the home and woodshop. At Christmas that year Jacob asked Emily to marry him and gave her the ring.

Authurs Note; Remember that just as the Christchild was given as a gift to the world, so was love. Eternal love for another never dies, it is always remembered by the heart and carried with you through out eternity. Merry Christmas

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