Earth Special Forces

Universal Power
Red Ribbon Elite
Galactic Dragon Forces
Team Kaio-Ken
Entity of Darkness
Saiyan Mafia

Future Trunks
Credits: 0
Items: Sensu
Moves: Burning Attack, Destructo Disk, Genki Dama, Bunkai Teleport, Teleport
Power Upgrades: Kaio Ken
Abilities: Control SSJ
P.L.: 7,662,845
Max P.L.: 69,095,726
Kaio Ken Max P.L.: 99,616,985
SSJ Max P.L.: 38,314,225
Location: Earth
Status: None
Info:Future Trunks is Vegeta and Bulma's son, He came from the Future to warn Goku about the Androids.

Credits: 70
Items: Capsule Corp Space Pod /w GE enchancements, Weighted Clothing & zboot and wristbands, Power Glove & Pole, Sword, Scouter, Elite Saiyan Armor, Saiyan Power Gloves, Sensu Bean.
Moves: Genki Dama, Kamehameha, Solar Flare, Split Form, Exploding Ki Barrier, Final Flash, Chou-Genki Dama
Power Upgrades: None
P.L.: 7,260,307
Max P.L.: 53,086,410
Kaio Ken Max P.L.: 94,383,991
SSJ Max P.L.: 36,301,535
Location: Earth
Status: None
Info: Vegetto was formed when Goku and Vegeta fused with the Patorra earrings. he could potentially go SSJ3 and become the strongest character ever, but never needed to.

Teen Gohan
Credits: 375
Items: Saiyan Power Gloves; Elite Saiyan Armor; Saiyan Space Pod
Moves: Kamehameha, Psychic Blast, Genki Dama
Power Upgrades: Control Oozaru, Kaio Ken
P.L.: 1,439
Max P.L.: 3,628
Oozaru Max P.L.: 14,390
Kaio Ken Max P.L.: 2,158
Location: Vegeta
Status: None
Info: Teen Gohan is Gohan as a teenager while he attened high school during the Great Saiyaman saga.

Credits: 0
Items: Weighted Z boots, Sword,Capsule Corp Space Pod, Weighted Clothing
Moves: Special Beam Cannon, Kamehameha, Destructo Disk
Power Up Grades: None
P.L.: 500
Max P.L.: 711
Location: Vegeta
Status: None
Info: The Piccolo in the DBZ series is the sole offspring of Piccolo-Daimao from the original. He was spirtually, and lifely linked to Kami until he reunited with him to become a power super namek.
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