Pan Vs Future Gohan
Pan fiddled with the halo above her head and yawned. She kinda liked being dead, there wasn't a whole lot for her to do except sit around and be lazy. But she was starting to get lazy and she needed to do something. So she crossed her legs and began meditating. In the middle of her meditation, she felt a power near-by, a familiar power. 'Future Gohan' she smiled to herself. Pan took off towards the power with the full intent of hurting F. Gohan once again. She landed near where he was training and smiled at him. "You ... you're the one who killed me!" Pan nodded. "I'll get you for that!!!" Gohan shouted and rushed towards her. He punched at Pan's head, but she quickily dodged and caught his arm. She brought it down with all her strength while bringing her knee up. She hit the back of his elbow with her knee. The bone snapped like a twig and popped out of the arm, spraying a fine red mist all over Pan's face. F. Gohan hollered in pain, but Pan spear handed him in the throat. His screams were muffeled by the mouthful of blood that erupted from F.Gohan's mouth. F. Gohan fell to his knees, gasping and coughing up blood like crazy. His broken right arm hung limply, blood oozing from it like a river. Pan charged him and kicked him hard in the face, breaking his nose and causing the crimson liquid to pour from it as well. "Pl .... Pl.e.ase ... Pan" F. Gohan begged. Pan stopped where she was, and despite herself, she felt a little sympathy for him. She extende her hand to help him up, but F. Gohan fired a Ki blast at her face. Pan dodged the Ki and the kick that F. Gohan threw at her. Pan quickily grapped the bloody bone sticking out of F. Gohan's arm and ripped it the rest of the way out of his body. F.Gohan's cries could be heard for miles. Not missing a beat, Pan jammed the bone through the underside of F.Gohan's chin. Blood sprayed from the new hole in his body and it gysered from the top of his head as the bone, now covered with brain matter, exited the top of his head. F.Gohan's screams ended abruptly and he fell to the ground dead. A pool of blood formed arond the dead body of F.Gohan and Pan bowed to him. "Thanks," she said. "I needed to blow off some steam."
Winner: Pan
Vegetto Vs Turles
Vegetto, Future Trunks, and Vegetto's mindless slaves were sparring for power. Turles snesed them and shoved Ness down and punched at Vegetto-nearly knocking his teeth out. "Turles!?" *holding mouth* "We're busy now!" "But I have nothing to do." "Then lets play..." Turles and Vegetto were punching, Turles struck Vegetto down and he was barely able to meet Turles' Power Pole with his Sword, and cut it in half. He dodged Turles' kick, and started focusing his energy. "Chou-Kame Hame Ha!!" The huge attack whizzed at him, he went Super Saiyan and froze their attacks at the last moment with a Final Flash, and the two beams shot away into the background, causing a mountain formation to explode. Turles split into two forms and flew at Vegetto-who Split and one went under him, the other above. The Vegettos smashed the Turleses into one and fused together to blast him away with Kame Hame Ha. But Vegetto followed him. He caught up and cut him in half
Winner: Vegetto
Teen Gohan Vs Pan & Bardock
teen gohan was searching for a good opponent when he spotted bardock sitting on the ground playing tic tac toe with herself. he found this strange and figured she was up to something. then he spotted bardock sitting on a rock focusing really hard. teen gohan decided to go figure out what bardock was doing before stopping pan from beating herself in tic tac toe. he walked over to bardock "hey, whatcha doing?" bardock "what does it look like you moron?" teen gohan "well actually it kinda resembles constapation but-" bardock "Im trying to controll my oozaru form!!!" teen gohan "oh... i did that a while back." this made bardock angry. teen gohan stepped back a few inches as bardock started to glow. the blue circle expanded and expanded till it reached about a foot in front of teen gohan. teen gohan stuck his finger out and touched the blue glow, right before remembering he had seen this before. "oh darn" the shield explodes and teen gohan is shot back. bardock stops focusing and starts laughing like crazy. suddenly he is shot off the rock by a powerfull kamehameha. bardock shoots high into the air then falls. he lands with a loud thud. now its gohans turn to laugh. gohan starts to crack up thinking he won. but bardocks body starts to move. "KAMEHAMEHA!" gohan yells. the blast is about to reach bardock, but pan picks bardock up and runs away from the blast. gohan "hey! thats cheating!" pan "no its not! you would have killed him!" gohan "hmmm i dont think so. hes a tuff guy." bardock stands on his feet. pan "KAMEHAMEHA!" pans blast flies at teen gohan. the blast explodes. when the dust clears teen gohan is sitting down cracking up. "is that the best you can do? ahaha!" this really pisses pan off and she shoots another kamehameha at her full power. teen gohan is still laughing but this time he decides that it would hurt a little bit if he let the blast hit him again. so he smacks it away and it shoots off into the sky. gohan "wow! that one made my hand numm! but i have a new attack. let me show you. gohan lifts his hands above his head. pan looks skeptically. bardock starts to stand on his head in boredome. pan gets tired of waiting and decides gohan is bluffing. "kaaa-" she suddenly senses a large moving amount of energy above her head. she looks up to see a spirit bomb flying tword her. the bomb explodes and bardock is blown away. the blast makes a crater about the size of the grand canyon. gohan looks deep into the crater to see pan laying on the ground, burned badly. teen gohan "she will be alright." gohan walks off.
Winner: Teen Gohan
Brolly Vs Vegeta Bebi
*i need of this planet!* `sigh` *i need to be stronger i need more power!* he Punch's the ground *For Christ sake's im brolly.Brolly The Legendary Super Saiyan,and Still people are stronger than me!* Brolly Gets up from the ground and Power's up to his max! and fire's a Beam up into the air. "holy shit were did that Come from???" Vegeta.B look's down "Brolly! That the hel you almost hit me you idiot!" * ....! * Brolly Flys right infront of Vegeta.B *What did you call me?* "an idiot!" Brolly Grab's His throt and throw's Him to the ground and slowly flys down to him. As Flot's Down Vegeta.B Shots a Chou-KameHameha But it has no eficet on Brolly..
Brolly lands on the ground and look at him.smiles at him and kicks him in the air and grabs his arm and snap's it "Shit my arm!"
Vegeta.B gose for a kick and and Brolly Punchs his knee cap snaping that to "AAAA!!!!" he steps on his chest and kicks him in the rib three or four times.*good Bye* Brolly shot a beem throw his heart.
Winner: Brolly
Gogeta Vs Janemba, Android #18 & Pikkon
Gogeta had just gotten out of hibernation and was feeling kinda weak so felt like he'd go kick some ass. Gogeta was flying around patroling his sleeping area for any powers he could defeat. Gogeta was flying around when an evil got his attention. Gogeta flew towards the power and as he drew closer he saw it was Janemba, just meditating his evil power. Gogeta couldn't stand to watch this and felt he had to do something. Gogeta then charged straight at Janemba and threw a Ki Blast at contact. Janemba was knocked down and was on his hands and knees when he started to laugh. Janemba was laughing and Gogeta then got on alert. Janemba then did a flip and tried to kick Gogeta as he jumped backwards. Gogeta felt something like this coming and jumped before he got hit. The two warriors were staring at each other when Janemba started to charge at him with a Energy Gun ready. Gogeta was ready to counter it but lost his concentration when his scouter started to bleep and he saw Android 18 behind him. Gogeta turned around and fired a Death Ball at 18, but was immediately struck by Janemba afterwords. "You're little off... aye?" "Nope... I got a Dead-Eye aim." Gogeta jerked his head behind him and Janemba's eyes followed. He saw the great dome of dust and smoke and said, "What an explosion?" "Keep lookin'" Janemba kept staring when he heard Gogeta's scouter bleeping. Janemba looked at Gogeta but only saw his fist at his face and then Android 18 had fired Eye Lazers at him. Janemba had fell to the ground and Android 18 and Gogeta were staring at the body. Android 18 saw Gogeta not looking so she sent a fist at his face but he managed to catch it and they heard a ,"You're ALL GONNA DIE!!" 18 and Gogeta nodded and charged at Janemba with a Double Clothsline, Janemba was knocked on his back and then Android 18 fired Eye Lazers at him but he dodged it. He was in the air charging an Energy Gun, and Gogeta snuck up behind him. Gogeta put his hands on his back and whispered in his ear, "Death Ball..." Janemba's body flew to the ground with a ball pushing him down and it exploded and crashed into the Earth. 18 saw this and was wide-eyed and realized she was trying to run away. Gogeta flew after her and managed to grab her foot. Gogeta had 18 by the foot and was about to throw her body to the Earth when, "MASENKO-HA!!!" Gogeta had been blindsidedly hit. He was unharmed but then saw Pikkon with his aura on. "Put the girl down..." "Put her down? Oh I'll put her out!" Gogeta went flying towards the Earth with 18 in hand and was gonna throw into the ground when he saw a Kamehameha coming, "I see you're not gonna mind your buisness, huh?" Gogeta then grasped 18 with two hands and waited for the the beam to come closer and he swung send the attack back towards Pikkon and he also swung 18 towards the ground. As soon as she made contact with the Earth Pikkon had made contact with the ND. 18 was badly beaten but Gogeta wasn't finished. Gogeta had not let go her ankle yet and asked, "Had Enough?" 18 spat at Gogeta. "YOU BITCH!" Gogeta flipped her on her belly and this started twisting her Ankle she was screaming in aggonizing pain until Gogeta had heard a crack. He let go then pulled out his sword... he finished her off and then retreived, 900 credits from Janemba, and flew off.
Winner: Gogeta
Radditz Vs Android #13 & Nail
With a zip Radditz teleports to Kaioshin, with a tap to his scouter Radditz found it, a few days ago Nail had teleported to Kaioshin with the second earth Dragonball. With a Blue flash Radditz flew off in Nail’s direction. Within seconds he was apon the Namekian warrior. Radditz landed a few feet away from the jolly-green-giant wannabe. "Listen here Namek, give up the Dragonball or I’ll be forced to kill your sorry green ass." Nail stood firm and simply through aside his other items & money while they fought. "I will never do so, I will never allow it to fall into your evil hands!" With a burst of rage Radditz flew forward and with a mighty roar he exclaimed "FOOL!! HOW DARE YOU DEFIE ME!!!" And Smashed in Nail’s skull with a single elbow to the nose. After Radditz cleaned the green blood off his elbow he simply said "I always wanted to say that. Than Radditz calmly tryed on his new Elite Saiyan Armor, his 2 power gloves, 2 weighted wrist bands & Z-boots that he stole from Nail, and popped a senzu bean in his motuth that he found on nail’s corpse. He then stole Nail’s Capsule Corps Spaceship w/ GE Enhancments as well as another Scouter, and the second Earth Dragonball. Within further inspection Radditz stole Nail’s wallet that consisted of 1,525 credits. But before Radditz could fly back to Earth A tall, buff figure appeared behind him. "What’d you want?" asked Radditz. "I’VE come to destroy you for what you did to Nail mother f***er!!" Then with a crimson blast The figure through a Kienzan at Radditz, and in retaliation, Radditz zipped behind him and ripped his arm off…discovering that the figure was an android! "THE F***!!! YOUR NOTHING BUT A F***ING OVERSIZED TOASTER!!" IN rage Android 13 tryed to punch Radditz, but Radditz simply caught his fist. Before Radditz could react, Android 13 used Kaiyoken and kicked him across the jaw. When Radditz landed he got up and said "Say your prayers, you f***ing dishwasher! It’s time you meet your maker!!!" Then Radditz charged up a Kamehameha, but at the last second, he teleported behind 13, yelled "YIPEE-KAI-AY NOTHER F***ER!!" And unleashed a Kaiyoken x10 super charged Kamehameha that turned the android into nothing but some spare parts. Radditz then used them to build a toaster, stole 13’s Capsule corps. Spacepod and a senzu bean and flew off.
Winner: Radditz
Turles Vs Ness and Mr.Chocobo
Turles had just begun the fun task of finding some money and a sens bean when his scouter beeped to life. "Whats this?" Turles laughed as he new the two fools well "its vegettos sabiaman" Turles decideing to delay his search spedoff towards the two bafoons.Turles arrived after a short flight andlooked dow apon the two playing tic tac toe. "What kind of idiots play a kids game" turles charged an evil spirit bomb and threw it at the two green fools sendin them flying in different directions.Turles floated to the ground and crossed his arms "comeon you two english peas" turles flew at ness who was up and lashed punches out at him. Ness dodged punch after punch turles grew weary of this ct and mouse play "KAIOKEN". Turles slamed his fist int ness' stomach and roundhouse kicked him into a tree "now you die" turles spun around "KAMEHAMEHA" the beam flew at mr chocobo. The beam connected sending him flying into the air. Turles shaded his eyes "and hes out of here". Ness slamed his knee into turles' back and pulled on his shoulders "you damn green pea ill kill you" "yeah right". Turles teleported behind him and smirked "yeah right i will" turles fired a one handed kamehameha just as mr chocobo fell back to the ground.Ness fell to the ground with a hole through his chest. Turles picked up his 200 credits and smiled "thank ya kindly" turles noticed his sensu bean laying out of his pocket "ill be taking that too" turles picked it up and put it away. Turles turned around to be greeted by a ugly face.May i help you?" turles headbutted mr chocobo and crushed his skull on the ground. Turles reached down and took his sensu bean "thanks buddy" turles flew off in search of some more credits and another sensu bean.
Winner: Turles
