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Family Pics
Lane,Scott,and Sam

This is Scott and his 2 nephews Lane and Sam..I think Scott will make a GREAT father oneday..He sometimes acts as if he is the father to thought he would have a break-down b4 the two were even born...But,they are here and healthy and being spoiled by their Great-Uncle Scott!..:)


Jeff with his 2 children Christmas' to the left and Hunter is to the right..Two very WONDERFUL children..Big HUGS and KISSES 2 you both..

Jeff and Mahiss

Mahiss is just like a second mom to me..She was the very first person I ever chatted with online..She made me feel very welcome as she did when she invited me to her home the summer of '99..Luv ya Mah!!!

Renate,Amanda,and Nancy

This little group are some friends from Maryland...

song "Butterfly Kisses"