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The Goddess of the Moon - by Sasha Fenton

"The Moon in mythology and in many religions represents the female force

which reflects the male force of the Sun. In Hebrew she is known as

Levanah, in Roman mythology Diana and in the Greek tradition as

Persephone and also Aphrodite. In the Egyptian tradition she is Isis,

the female member of the powerful trinity of Osiris, Isis and Horus.

To the followers of ancient traditions of witchcraft, she is Brid,

Maiden-Goddess of the waxing Moon; Diana, Mother-Goddess of the full

Moon and Morrigan, Crone-Goddess of the waning Moon. The following lines

are an extract from a ritual associated with the Moon Goddess:

Behold is the Three-Formed Goddess:

She who is ever Three - Maid, Mother and Crone.

Yet she is ever One;

She is in all women, and they all in her.

Behold her, remember her,

Forget not one of her faces.

If you would like the goddess to grant you a wish, then take a piece of

paper in the planetary colour of the person (or object) that your wish

concerns; then light the candle and wait for it to burn down, as it does

so, the spell will be working. Here is the invocation which will help

the spell to work.

Upon this candle will I write

What I request of thee this night.

Grant what I wish you to do;

I dedicate this rite to you.

I trust that you will grant this boon

O lovely Goddess of the Moon

Most religions take some account of the Moon's position in their

festival calender; for instance, in the Christian tradition, Easter and

Whitsun still 'float' according to the Moon's orbit. It is interesting

to note that Easter was a Greco-Roman festival associated with Ishtarte,

the predecessor of Aphrodite/Diana. These godesses, like the beginning

of the spring season itself, speak of fertility and growth and the

renewal of life.

In the Jewish tradition, special prayers are said when festivals fall at

the time of the New Moon (Boruha Levanah), prayers for each new Moon are

said at the beginning of the lunar month (Rosh Hadesh). Astrologers

watch the Moon carefully and there are some who will not even discuss a

new project on a 'void of course Moon' which is when the Moon makes no

major aspects to other planets. It is my guess that in all traditions

and beliefs the Sun and Moon were, are and always will be the light

which makes us turn our heads to the sky and our thoughts heavenwards.

The image of the Moon as the supreme female, the complete mother, is

strongly represented in the egyptian goddess, Isis, who presided over

herbal remedies and Lunar magic.

If you wish to invoke the goddess Isis, draw a circle late at night,

concentrate your thoughts and viualize an image of the goddess while

asking for what you want. Above all, ask for the love and strenght to be

able to cope with your troubles and live a kindly and decent life. Here

is a tiny extract from 'The Worship of Isis Rituals':

And over these tides the Great Goddess presides under the aspect of the


As she passeth from her rising to her setting, so answer these tides

unto her.

She riseth from the sea as the evening star, and the waters of the earth

rise in flood.

She sinketh as Luna in the western ocean, and the waters flow back into

the inner Earth and are still in that great lake of darkness wherein are

the Moon and Stars reflected. Whoso is still as the dark underworld lake

of Persephone shall see the tides of the unseen moving therein and shall

know all things.

Therefore is Luna also called the giver of visions.

In the Kabbalistic tradition, the Moon, this time known as Levanah, is

associated with the section of the Tree of Life which is called Yesod.

Yesod, the Foundation, is situated towards the base of the Tree just

above Malkuth.

Yesod is the ninth path of pure intelligence and it purifies the

emanations. Yesod contains two totally different images; the watery Moon

of Levanah under the presidency of the water element archangel, Gabriel,

and also the magical image of a beautiful naked young man who is known

for his strength alongside the powerful God name of Shaddai el Chai, the

Almighty living God. Nothing in the Kabalah is easy to understand, but

the idea behind Yesod is that the universe was a vaporous and watery

chaos which was gathered into order by the strength and power of God.

Genesis - Boraishis. Here is a Greco/Hebrew version of the Isis worship


Our Lady is also the Moon, called of some Selene, of others Luna, but by

the wise Levanah, for therein is contained the numbers of her name. She

is the ruler of the tides and flux and reflux. The waters of the Great

Sea answer unto her, likewise the tides of all earthly seas, and she

ruleth the nature of women.

In Kabbalistic divination, Yesod rules the instincts, habit patterns,

food, home environment, sex and sexual organs. This is also the wife in

a male reading, and the ninth month of pregnancy.

Before we leave the world of religion and magical belief I would like to

advise you to perform all ritual and psychic work during daylight (exept

for the Isis invocation), even if you are only trying out ideas for

size. This is because one's resistance is low after dark, and low-level

entities may be drawn in due to the unbalanced forces of the Moon and

your tired mind. If you are at all tuned in to your own lunar phases,

then avoid doing any psychic work at those times when you know you will

be at low ebb. I know, for example, that I tend to feel tired, ratty and

off-colour just after the new Moon each month, probably because I was

born a couple of days after a full Moon.

Good luck with your magic, may the Goddess of the Moon guide your

instincts towards greater understanding and the ability to help others

along their paths towards enlightenment."