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You find yourself inside a large cave. A flare of light from a torch shows
you the way down the musty corador. Your eyes land on a large, starge
creature with it's back turned to you. One one side, it is dragon, you
can see that, but the other side looks part wolf. but, not quiet. It turns
to face you. You see it has three eyes! You're ready to run but look
again. It suddenly seems magnifisent. She tells you that she is
Cajarna, a DragonLing. DragonLon have genetic structures that
combine dragon DNA with another creatures'. She tells you she
is part Goolova. You turn. You look back at Cajarna and she is gone,
but in her place is an dog with wings.


Hello. I am Piper. I am a Dog DragonLing. Yes, part dog, part dragon.
Do not ask me what breed of dog, for I do not know. For the answer
to that question, you must ask my leader and mother, Cajarna. Please
visit again soon. Perhaps I shall then have company.

DragonLing's Name: Piper
Owner's Name: Gabumon & Tentomon
Genetic Structure: Dragon & Dog
Adopted From: DragonLing Caverns

