You're walking along the edge of a forest when you feel that you're
being watched. You quicken your pace and hear rustling in the bushes
behind you. You stop and turn to the brush. A large horse-like
face looks back. You yells but then see the creature looks unhappy
with your screem. You stop, relizing it's staying put. You ask it
it's name. It replies EatBugs. You think the name's a little
strange, but what the heck, you're in the digital world, right?
EatBugs tells you that he is a myree, a combonation of a horse, tiger,
and zebra. This is the area of a sub-herd. You turn, looking for
them. As you do, EatBugs disappears.
Hi. I'm Sooler. I'm a yellow male myree with red stripes. I haven't
been around too long, so I don't know what I like or don't like yet.
Come back some time and see me! I'll be waiting!
Myree's name: Sooler
Myree's Cartaker: Gabumon & Tentomon
Myree's Age: Child
Adopted from: Myree Adoption Agency