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July 2002 Spirit of the Month

Hello ES Chris, 
     A new award has been created in DRealm of 
DSpirit. DSpirit has decided that all the Enchanted 
Spirits needed an award of their own for all they do 
for DRealm of DSpirit. We are very proud to present 
you with this award for all your hours of devotion to 
DSpirit and DRealm of DSpirit... 
    Congratulations and thank you for all you do... 
Please go here to see your page...

~~Spirited Huggs~~

As I said.... DRealm is growing so fast....*S*..and 
another thing that has just been started is the 
Enchanted Spirit of the Month! You can find that page 

Please give ES Chris a wonderful congratulation as 
being chosen our very first ES of the Month! His 
email and homesite url is posted on the page....*S*
Congratulations ES Chris!!!!!

Dearest Enchanted Spirit Chris,
In our daily lives, things happen that make us stop 
and wonder in total amazement...things that affect us
beyond words or expectations.  
This is one of those times...for DSpirit, DRainbow 
and I.  To find someone that is totally committed to 
something that  we feel so strongly about... and to 
know that you are one of these people that go out of 
their way to do something kind for complete strangers 
is nothing short of unbelievable!  There is 
absolutely no way that we could ever begin to thank 
you for what you do every day.  
You have shared of yourself for the past FOUR years, 
shared with people that have no faces, shared as 
though they were part of your own family.  You chose
to do this for no other reason than just being you!
We thank you with a simple little gift of gratitude.. 
a very small token of our thanks and look forward to 
many more years of serving together side by side.
Thank you for helping us keep our dream alive as we 
had envisioned it.... DRealm of DSpirit...for without 
hard working people like you.... it could never 
DStarCatcher and DRainbow
DRealm of DSpirit

Hello Dear Enchanted Spirit Chris,
DSpirit and I were looking at the length of time that 
our Spirits have remained and could not believe that 
you have been with us for THREE YEARS!
To do be so committed to something we both 
feel so strongly about... sharing of your spirit so 
unselfishly to others ... is something that we cannot 
thank you enough for.  To know that you have taken 
time from your own life to make someone's day a little 
brighter, a little absolutely amazing to 
This token isn't much..not nearly enough for all that 
you have done and continue to do...but we are  hoping 
that you accept it from us...and know that we have 
given it from the bottom of our hearts. -))
Thank you again..for making DRealm of DSpirit so 
fantastic and to continue helping us strive for what 
we were hoping it could (and has) become!
Once more; we cannot say it enough...thank you for all 
you do..each and every day!!!!!
DSpirit and DStarCatcher
DRealm of DSpirit