Thursday morning, we went on a bicycle ride down Haleakala (the non-extinct volcano on Maui). What a beautiful ride! It was a lot of fun, and well worth it, but we did have to get up at 2:00 in the morning to catch the van to the top of the volcano! It was about 5:00 a.m. when we reached the summit. This is what it looked like at 10,000 feet -- we were in a cloud. It was very wet (raining) and very cold (about 40 degrees).
This is the view down into the crater of Haleakala at 5:00 in the morning. (Evidently when a cloud is not sitting on the top of the volcano, you can see into the crater, but all we could see on this morning was more cloud.)
This is about 1,000 feet down from where we started, at about 6:00 a.m. In the background, you can see a lot of Maui, a bunch of clouds, and the ocean. It was so beautiful. What a wonderful way to see the island! We had to wear the suits to keep from being cold (it was not much above 40 degrees at this point) and the helmets were to protect us in case we crashed the bikes (which we didn't do).
And here we are at the end of the ride . . . on the beach! What a day!
The people on this page include Emily Calle & Daniel Calle.
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