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Seed as a reproductive metaphor

Many times in the Bible, seed is used as a metaphor meaning "new life". For example, when someone is "sowing seed", what is really meant is that the man is reproducing himself by impregnating a woman. This is very evident through out the Bible if you are willing to take the time and look for the examples. One of my favorite examples can be found in Matthew 13. This story tells about a farmer who was scattering his seed everywhere, which can mean that he was trying to make babies with different women. As it turns out, the only "seeds" that "produced grain" (produced grain could mean the child grew to reproduce himself) was the seed that was planted in good soil. When I was reading the first part of this chapter, I understood Matthew 13 to mean that I (or any man) should find a good woman to have his children so that they will be sure to grow and be healthy happy people. If we spread our seeds everywhere then our children will not receive all that they need in order to enjoy everything that life has to offer. It is later explained in the last part of the chapter than Jesus meant something different than what I thought. Mark 4 is pretty much the same but I included it as a link for your enjoyment. Galatians 3 uses the word seed to mean one of Abraham's descendents. Jesus was a descendent of Abraham, which makes Jesus a "seed". It goes on to say that the scripture didn't say seeds (plural), which would mean all of Abraham's descendents.

Good Books from the Good Book (chapters from the Bible)

Matthew 13
Mark 4
Galations 3