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~Gamma Chi Omega Creed~

Frat Facts

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Facts about Gamma Chi Omega

We Encourage Academics...

Academics are of the utmost importance at Gamma Chi Omega. We encouage the Brothers to be at their best potential, always. As for examples, here is just some of the extent to which we are involved in our academics:

  • We have the HIGHEST GPA of any fraternity on campus.
  • To promote studies, we have manditory study sessions every week.
  • Winner of the 1999 S.G.A. Organizational Games.

We Encourage Atheletic Participation...

Exercising the body, like the mind, is essential in making one well-rounded. To show examples of our ability to work well as a group, here are some of the statistics of the games in which we participate:

  • We are the 1998 Greek Bowl Champions.
  • We are the 1999 Greek Bowl Champions.
  • We won 1st Place in the 1998 Greek Games Fraternity Division
  • We are the 1998-1999 All-Campus Champions.
  • We are the 1999-2000 All-Campus Champions.
  • We are the 1999 Chancellor's Cup Champions.

Groups with which we are Affiliated...

Academic dedication speaks for itself. Here are some of the high positions we have achieved in our short time on campus:

  • The Darden Society (Honors Society)
  • Dean's List
  • Napoleon Hill Scholars (Honors Society)
  • Omicron Delta Kappa ODK (Honors Society)
  • Sigma Zeta SZ (Honors Society)

Academic Merit...

Many organizations recognize our individuals for their high academic achievement and selfless dedication to the community by means of scholarship. We as individuals represent a whole, a whole of unity under the name Gamma Chi Omega, the perfect bonding of brotherhood. Some of the many scholarships the brothers recieve include:

  • Colgate Darden Scholarship
  • Powhatan Women's Club Scholarship
  • Virginia Meador
    (More to come as the information comes in).

Gamma Chi Omega in relation to Socialization...

Gamma Chi Omega is a social fraternity. This means we go out into the community and do various projects that are for the common good. (Such as in the Fall 2000 semester, all the brothers helped in the construction of a community playground). Below are just a fraction of the examples of our campus participation:

  • We have social events with the Alpha Delta Chi and Phi Sigma Sigma Sororities throughout the year.
  • In the spring semester, we have our formal Rununculous Ball which includes dinner, dancing, awards, and socialization.
  • Every year on Homecoming weekend, each alumna of Gamma Chi Omega makes a concerted effort to show up and have fun with their brothers, because brotherhood does not stop when one graduates; brotherhood is eternal, brotherhood is quite possibly the best bonding of friendships you will ever have in your life. Often, I myself relate it to being a family.
  • In honor of Dr. Jay Lemons' departure from the University of Virginia's College at Wise in the capacicity of Chancellor, Gamma Chi Omega had a farewell banquet at Mosby's. In attendance were the Chancellor and members of the Gamma Chi Omega fraternity. This is an example of how much we care for the faculty and staff of UVA-W, and the campus as a whole.
    Gamma Chi Omega has representation on:
  • The Art Guild
  • The Inter Greek Council
  • Phi Beta Lambda
  • The Residence Hall Association
  • The Resident Advisors
  • The Student Activities Board
  • The Student Ambassadors
  • The Student Government Association

We Sponsor many groups too...

Giving of ourselves is also an important component of Gamma Chi Omega.

  • We are the Co-Sponsors of the "Great Strides" March for Cystic Fibrosis.
  • We are the Sponsors of the annual "Hockey Trip" in March.
  • We are the Co-Sponsors of the annual "Pig Roast" concert in the Spring.
  • We are the Sponsors of the annual "Teacher Appreciation Award."
