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Jokes that make you go owh!

If you have one you'd like me to add

to this page, e-mail me at:


A horse goes into a bar, the bartender says,

"Why the long face?"

The horse says, "'Cause I'm a horse."


A grasshopper goes into a bar and orders a beer.

The bartender brings him his beer and says,

"You know, we have a drink named after you."

The grasshopper says, "Oh? You have a drink

named Bob?"


A child swallows her lunch money at school and

is promptly rushed to the hospital. Her parents

show up at the hospital in a panic.

"Doc, How is she?" they cry.

And the doctor says, "No change!"


Did you hear about the midget nudist?

He went around sticking his nose in

other people's business.


What do you call a psychic midget on the run

form the law?

A small medium at large.


E-mail me yours and I'll put them here and

You credit for it (if you want it)
