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SAMOLION'S CORNER                  

Well what do we have here a fan! Well take a seat my friend and let me tell you about some real good battles I have witnessed in the arena.

GOTHMOG vs BER PYSCHO - The first challenge of the arena occurred when the then No 2 ranked Ber Pyscho met a cocky young fighter going by the name of Gothmog. But it wasn't really Gothmog but an impostor. Eventually the real Gothmog appeared and was soundly beaten by the Berserker. After this original fight Gothmog went on to fight really well at the weaponmaster losing ever so slightly to the champion Gladiator. This lead to a intense rivalry between the two which resulted in a rematch. The fight started of close with equal hits exchanged early before Ber Pyscho got on top with some giant blows . Gothmog fought back late but was convincingly beaten.

Here is a screen shot of the action

Rematch - a rematch occurred not long after this battle took place, Gothmog re- equipped himself with a shield and sword ( boasting an ac of 11 ) took on the hulking figure of Ber Pyscho. The match proved a thriller with both Gladiators going down to the last hit, where Gothmog took his revenge with only 2 hit points remaining.

KANIN vs DESIRE - Kanin issued a challenge to the buxom Desire, claiming she wasn't fit to occupy the realms. Kanin making his debut in the arena talked the talk but all were wondering if he could back it up. As the two prepared to dance the waltz of pain Kanin ushered Desire aside for one more barb " AMAZON " Desire reacted letting loose her flail and thus the combat begun. The battle itself proved a poor one with desire proving to weak and Kanin claiming an easy victory. Desire bowed her head honourably and promised after she defeats Saverok that she will be back to make the boy a man.

Below a picture of the battle as Gothmog, Urchin and Legionaire watch on.

ZORAK vs PETAL - Ah good versus evil the core to any great battle. These two clerics stepped into the arena with a real score to settle. Petal sickened by Zorak's reputation and actions wanted revenge on behalf of her Temple. It was a bloody battle with Petal being very deliberate and nasty in her actions. In the end Petal won easily as she walked out she sprinkled rose petals over Zoorak and whispered a challenge of the spell variety.

Petal and Zorak locked in battle as Narcissist, Ber Pyscho, Gothmog and Storm Light blade look on.


My next tale tells of a challenge that evolved over time and involved alot of emotion. Many demands, claims and threats were made before this battle actually took place. The combatants were a Fighter called Kanin, new to the arena he was an unknown quantity against class opposition. He had caused a stir with his hatred of Amazons and the fact he kept a nymph as a slave. At the forefront of the battle was David the arena veteran and upholder of all that is righteous. He was sickened by Kanin and his actions and demanded the freedom of the slave immediately. Eventually the two agreed to dual to settle the dispute.

As the two entered the arena tensions were high. An elite group of fighters had come to see the battle, including Gothmog, Finraer, Ber Pyscho and White Eagle. As the two sized each other up it was obvious this wasn't going to be a pretty fight. Kanin and his axe looked viscous while David looked every inch the Paladin. Kanin struck first with a decisive blow of 23. David continued to parry and landed a fine blow but only after sustaining two more from Kanin. Kanin then landed a blow of 25 and David seemed beaten. He fought on valiantly however continuing to parry until he was able to land a giant blow of his own and all of a sudden things were on an even keel again. Kanin however showed superior strength landing two monstrous blows on David against the flow of battle to claim victory.

Finraer upset by the going ons stepped into the fray in an effort to do what is right but Gothmog stepped in and despatched the mage with no problem at all. However upon leaving the arena, Ber Pyscho confronted Kanin and perhaps a battle was about to happen?