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See, what happened is that two days after graduation I got in a little skirmish with a tree... it looked at me funny, and I don't take no crap, so I hit it with my car to show it who's boss. The tree won, decisively. Okay, okay, the truth is I fell asleep at the wheel. I had about 5 hours of sleep for the past 72 hours, and had just finished up 10 hours of work on my feet. I was driving to a friend's grad party when BAM! Instant ambulance ride!

They think I hit the tree doing about 35mph, while accelerating, which is a lot worse than 35mph when braking.

I suffered a 'type-3' separation in my left shoulder that almost warranted surgery. Along with that jewel, I had a nice cut on my leg, bruised sternum, and seatbelt bruises on my chest and abdomen.

I woke up right before impact, but was knocked out again by the hit. I regained consciousness a few seconds later, and because of the air bag gunpowder it smelled like the car was on fire. I got out immediately, barely able to think.

This is what the inside looked like. Always wear your seatbelt kids, and try to get a car with airbags! Without these little technolgical gems... I woulda died!

Stumbling to the convenience store several yards away I painfully reflected on what had just happened. I had fallen asleep at the wheel of my three-month-old car. After slipping into this unexpected slumber I proceeded to accelerate into the only tree standing in the area. I woke right before I hit, and after experiencing the banshee scream of tearing metal I was knocked unconscious. This hurt. When I came too the sour smell of smoke filled my nostrils and I thought the car was on fire. Not thinking clearly I navigated my way out of the car and onto the country road I had just turned onto.
There were two things racing through my mind: fury and pain. I was furious at myself for being so irresponsible as to let something of this caliber occur. I was furious at myself for totaling this gift my parents had just given me. Past that, my face was throbbing, I could not move my left arm, it hurt to breath, and my legs were stinging: a fine start to my final summer before college.
Thankfully, and by the grace of God, I was not terribly hurt considering what had just happened. I acquired a type-3 separation of my left shoulder, bruised my sternum, and had minor cuts and bruises. Without my seatbelt and airbag I would have died on the scene or required an airlift to the hospital. It took over three months for me to fully recover from my injuries and totally halted my summer plans. I had to quit my job and it was too late in the season to try and find a totally ‘non-physical’ employment, no fun in the sun, nothing but healing.
There is really nothing quite like having death tickle your ear with its whisper. It opens your eyes and abruptly ends the feeling of invincibility that people my age often hold. This accident for all its pain and trouble was one of the best things that ever happened to me. It allowed me to become focused and not squander the chances I have been given. It reinforced the very cliché phrase that ‘I am truly in control to accomplish anything I want.’ Nothing could be truer. I understand life and even death, better. I refuse to fear either one, and look forward to exercising my desire to ‘do what I want.’ I appreciate my time alive; however long it may or may not be in a way I could not before the accident.