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By SunRae ©1999

Spirit Sister, reflection
in the mirror. Twin
hearts locked in a
spiritual embrace.

Akin to the winds
that sigh and the
earth that bears
all nourishment. We give!

Walking as one beating
heart, but in two
seperate forms. The bonds
of sisterhood in wolf spirit.

We travel the shadows
on a starlit night.
When the moon is full,
our lifeblood sings.

Entwined by a spirit gift.
No words are needed to speak.
For the paths we travel,
are one and the same for;
}i{ "Spirit Sister's" }i{


This page and poem is dedicated to my spirit sister Donna. It is hard to explain the connection that we have on a spiritual level to others. But to us it feels like it has been since time began. Our love for all life is shared and the strong urge to protect, heal, and love all that was created and given to us as a sacred gift is also shared. This globe was a gift from my spirit sister, who like me shares their spirit with the wolf. Thank you for the gift and for your ever giving and unconditional love Donna!!

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