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As the wolf spirit
has called to me,
I run with her

O' Great Spirit
help me to always
speak the truth,
and to remember the peace
that may be found
in silence.

~~Cherokee Prayer~~

By SunRae © 1999

My paths have been given
me by many generations
before. I travel them
with honor and pride.

My pack is strong and we
follow the laws that mother
earth and Great Spirit have
layed down for us to obey.
We do not take more than
what we need. We leave
mother earth as we find her.

We love our family and teach
them the laws of our ancestors.
We live in peace and walk
softly upon the gifts we have
been given.

Why then does man stalk us?
Wound our home? Pollute
our waters? Look upon
everything with eyes of greed?

Great Spirit when we exist
no more, will man's soul
cease to exist also?

Look into my eyes mankind,
for they are truly the
windows to your soul.

What do you see there?

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Music by Elan Michaels

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