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by SunRae © 1992

Thoughts, fleeting, mingle,
reach out.
Where is my apparition?
It has faired better
than I.

Saddened by an absence,
lost in its afterglow.
Groping, clenching.
The winds breath low,
for my love has faded.

Earthly beings no
longer breath logic
into a weary brain,
who longs for slumber.

Mute, insensate, sperned,
mine is the silence
and the calm.
Passion is ageless and
I have passion.

Such fire as to be
the burn of Rome.
Squelched by a vision.
A smoky, merking thing
that taunts me.

Tears into my soul
with laughter.
Leaving scar tissue
surgery can not repair.

Haunting my images,
no rays of birth
Without my apparition.
I am Fading, Fading !!!!


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