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In order to save on loading time I have added a second page for the awards this site has been given. Thank you for visiting and thank you for the awards that have been given.

This Website has been named best website viewed for the year 2000 by the "Wolfpoet" Teresa Piercey Gates. Click on the award to go to Wolf Haven; Wolfpoets domain.
Received February 4, 2001

received 2-21-2001
Thank You Mary
click on awards to
go to her site.

Received 2-25-2001
Thank you
click on awards to visit Healing Spirits.

Thanks you Pops for the wonderful awards.
I'll treasure them always.
received march21,2001:
Click on awards to visit The World of Pops

Thank You Amy this
is very special to me.

Thank you Healing Spirits
The Easter pages were fun.

Thank you Barb received 4-21-2001
for this beautiful award.

Thank you so much
This is a wonderful gift
from a beautiful site
received May 24, 2001

such a beautiful award
thank you so much
received 6-5-2001

This is the sweetest
thankyou note. Thanks Denise

received 6-11-01
thank you Meadowsong

received 7-27-2001
Thank you Little Grasshopper
Your award is a beautiful gift

received 10-19-01
Thank you for this
beautiful globe Regina

Thank you Wolf Poet
for this wonderful award
Received Jan. 2, 2002

Thank You Seagull
Received Dec. 12,2002