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Demon of the Night
by SunRae ©1998

When the moment is right,
IT takes away all
innocence and trust.

Mixtures of saliva and alcohol,
Beggings of forgiveness, harsh threats,
all invade a childs mind.

Seers the soul merky grey,
There is no santa or tooth fairy.
Reality keeps sleep from my eyes.

Watching for the demon that
calls itself love and steals
my soul in the night.

Its disquise is an adult form,
Spurting Daddys good girl.
Silencing my lips with more
hurt than I can endure.

Quicken Mystic! Take me
away to green, peaceful pastures,
wild flowers and freedom.

The demon almost breaks thru,
but you take me further into
the forest. Protecting me from
The demon of the night.

If you are or know of an abused child, here are some numbers to call. YOU can save a life. We all are responsible for one another. For the love of a child call!
National Domestic Violence/Abuse Hotline 1-800-799-SAFE 1-800-799-7233 1-800-787-3224 TDD


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1-6-2001 As a survivor of Abuse
this award means a lot
Thank you Donna'

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