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The Art Of
Eric "Rick" McQuaide

Locked Within A Disability
By: SunRae copyright2001

As I sit in my silent world,
with a mind clear and strong.
You patronize the disability,
and do not look at me.

My mind is screaming words,
my voice will never bring forth.
My heart red with passion
I can not make you feel.

I am locked within the walls
of a disability. Still I feel
with more than just my touch.
I can not make you feel how much.

I can sing a song of the sweetest
sound, but you can not hear a note.
All I have to give will not be known.
I am locked within A disability.

I am blind,
but I can see.
I am deaf,
but I can hear.
I am speechless,
but my voice shouts.

Can you please find the key?
To unlock the door of this,

All of the art on this page was painted by a quadrapalegic. It was done holding a brush in his mouth. I wrote this poem, after being touched by the spirit of a man that had no sight, could not hear, and could not speak. I watched how his physical needs were taken care of, but I also saw how he was treated like a shell of flesh and bones. His spirit was crying out for someone to see what lay locked within his disability. So this poem came about. Please look inside the shell of the being that surrounds and visit the soul. Many Blessings SunRae'

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