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~The old man and the Wolf Clan~

It is said that one day in the beginning of time,when the villages were first built.. a old man came out of the woods, and he went down to the Clans of the Cherokee.. The old man was sick with a cold and had sores all over his body... He came to the first woman in charge of the first clan, and asked" Would you take me in and make me well?" The woman looked horrified , and exclaimed "Oh!, you look terrible, we don't know how to make you well".. Go Away!!

The man leaves the first village and goes to another clan of the Cherokee, possibly the blue clan... As he approaches the village, a woman comes out and starts screaming,"We have children here, go away." the old man goes to all the villages of the cherokee and it's always the same, he is turned away...

Finally the old man comes to the Wolf Clan of the Cherokee.. The old man is very sick and full of sores all over his body, he approaches a woman of the Wolf clan and asks her "Will you take me in and make me well"... the woman looks at the old man and feels sorry for him and tells him " I don't know what to do for you,but if you come in, you may lay down on the bed and rest.. The woman tells the old man, that she will do what she can to help make him better... After the old man has rested for awhile, he tells the woman to go into the forest and get the bark from the cherry tree and bring it back and make tea from it... The woman does as the old man asks, and he is cured of his cold... The old man tells the woman , go back into the forest and get some bark from the willow tree, and make it into a poultice and place it on my sores... the woman does as the old man asks and his sores heal.. The old man does this time after time, telling the woman what to get and how to prepare it, and what it would cure... After the old man had been completely cured of all his aliments, he got up out of the bed and said to the woman.. Woman since you have so good to me, I have taught you all the cures of the forest.. and from this day forward, you, the woman of the Wolf Clan will be the Doctors of the villages.. This is how the Cherokee People learned how to cure people of all their ailments...

How the Bluebird and Coyote Got Their Color

The bluebird is very blue, as blue as a brilliant lake. Many moons ago the bluebird used to be white. One day he was flying and came upon a lake and saw how blue and beautiful it was.

He stopped and asked Grandfather, "Grandfather, can I be as blue as that lake?" So Grandfather gave him a song to sing. He told him what to do. Every morning for five mornings the bluebird would dive down into the lake singing the song taught to him by Grandfather then come back up.

The whole time he was doing this the coyote was watching him. On the fifth day, the bluebird dove into the lake, and when he came back out, he was as blue as he is today. The coyote saw this and thought to himself, "Hmmmm... I'd like to be as blue as that bluebird.

So he said to the bluebird, "Teach me your song." So every morning for the next five days the coyote would take a bath and sing the song from Grandfather. And on the fifth day the coyote came out and was just as blue as the bluebird. The coyote looked at himself in the reflection of the water and thought, "My, I'm the prettiest coyote there is. There is none prettier than me.

So he strutted down the road, not unlike a peacock, looking around to make sure all the other animals could see him and see how truly beautiful was his color. He was so intent on having everyone know how colorful and beautiful he was that he paid no attention to where he was going in the road. He ran into a tree, fell down into a dirt road, rolled around and came up.
That's why, when you see him today, he's brown and dirty. That's how he got the color of his fur.

How We Got Fire

For many moons we did not have fire. People on the other side of the earth, they had fire; and the four-leggeds knew it.
They held a council to determine how to obtain the fire. The first one to volunteer to go and bring back the fire was the great buzzard.
He flew halfway across the earth, swooped down into the other's camp and, with a mighty claw, grabbed up a handful of the fire. As he was flying away, he hid it in the feathers on the back of his head. The fire was too hot and burned his feathers off. That's why, when you see the buzzard today, you'll see he has no feathers there. That's why he's bald. So the buzzard returned to camp.
Now the possum decided it was his turn to try. He would go and bring back the fire for his people. I can sneak into camp," he thought. "I can get the fire.
So he traveled halfway across the earth, waited till nightfall, sneaked into the camp, grabbed some of the fire and hid it in his tail. Before he could leave, the fire burned off all the fur on his tail. That's why the possum has no fur on his tail now. He used to have such a beautiful furry tail! He went back to camp, and they all thought that it was lost. They could not do this. They could not get the fire.
But all the while, the small grandmother spider kept saying, "I can do this. I know I can!" Everyone laughed at her, but still the small spider kept insisting that she could do it! Still she wanted her chance to try! So they all agreed to let her try. First, she dug up some clay and made a pot, then began spinning her web.
Halfway around the world she traveled, spinning her web and carrying her pot, all the way to the other's camp. She waited till night and sneaked into their camp. She took a bit of their fire, put it into the clay pot, then carried it back to their side of the earth to share with her people.
That's how we got fire, and that's also the beginning of how the Cherokee people learned pottery making.