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This poem and page
Dedicated to
Forrest Duane Womack
In Loving memory

Click on picture to hear
Music by Clannad
"What Will I Do"

The Bluesman
By: SunRae copyright2002

He spent the lonesome hours
typing out his blues
The presence of his screen name
Always held an FDWlovesyou.

That old black box
He typed into held soul,
The blood, sweat, and teardrops of
The bluesman, we all came to know

An old jews harp
a dixieland beat
even without music
You had to tap your feet

Memories left by a man
we came to know, with
quick wit, sarcastic humor,
did his words flow

Gifts of a friendship
Created on line. Songs
of the Bluesman.
Rememberances of love and time.

Your friendship was a wonderful gift Forrest.
A sweet soul that will be forever remembered.

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