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Tear Stained Windows
by SunRae © 1980

In the shadow of a half life
she saw him.
Not the hint of a humble bow, but the
pride and despair of gracious hope.

Seeking nothing, he received nothing.
The values having escaped his
meager attention.

So be it they have said, the fools
of today are the fools of yesterday.
Passive non-violence leads to a need for
passive non- violence.

Seek nothing here for his house
is crumbling vanity. The tear stained
windows stand as silent tribute to
the genus of man.

Asking forgiveness for uncommited sins
in the name of progress and change.
The fantastic possibilities lead
to the irrevocable conclusion.

The domesday machine is of course
ethically selective.
The dialogue ends with the only
possible query:

Were you in the light of all things?
Were you peaceful with the reality
of rebirth?

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