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artist: Ellenshaw

Forgotten In The Mist
by SunRae ©1999

Keeper of the heavens
why can't you see,
the wounded, tormented
heart inside of me?

Mourning dew, touching lips
WAIT! Maybe tears?
Which is which?

Taste like salt, oh
can it be the dew
drops come from
inside of me?

Lurking there in
the foggy shroud
a mystical being
laughing out loud.

Taking youths fires slowly,
stealthly away from me.
My legs unable to move,
can't run, numb, to the reality.

A vision lurking
behind a cloud.
The true self
is always dis-avowed.

I come out screaming
No nourishment, no
answers to the plea.

Forgotten in the mist.
A wounded heart, a
forlorn soul, waiting for
mournings first sunlit kiss.

MUSIC: Mist on the Water
COMPOSER: David W Folsom

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