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Someone Saved A Life Today
By: SunRae ©2001

It could have been
Your mother,father,
stranger or friend.

The hands that touched the
fevered brow, wiped away the blood,
Were worn and calloused but had an
Angels touch pulling you from the flood.

Showing dark circles of no sleep
The eyes that saw your pain
held you in their gaze
while blinking away the rain

A quiet hero who takes no credit
for an often thankless gift
They give without complaining
As your stretcher they lift

Working in dangerous conditions
They step out into the night
Putting themselves on the line for
The battle of life they fight

Crawling through the tangled
wreckage that use to be a car
Only to perform, with no self concern
the life giving measure of CPR

Often times the only link
between life and death
When you can no longer breathe
on your own , they give you breath

An angel kneeling beside you
refusing to let go of your hand
Where their courage comes from
you or I will never understand

Their shift to save lives goes
on long after the regular job they do
Fighting against traffic jams, bad
weather and directions to get to you.

They volunteer for this thankless job
without ever looking back.
The rewards aren't monetary, instead the
love they feel keeps them on track.

We all need to stop for a minute
for a reflection and to give credit
To an angel bound here on earth
called a volunteer paramedic

This page and poem are dedicated to my sister Cathy who has for years put her life on hold to save others. Not only has she been a volunteer paramedic for over 15 years, at times working with 2 different stations, but she has also worked 40+ hours a week. She accomplished the almost unbeleivable feat of attaining her nursing degree as a registered nurse while working a job and running calls as a volunteer. I can not tell you the holiday dinners she was called away from, but I'm sure the people who's lives she saved can tell you. At a height of 4'11" she is the tallest person I look up to. Everyone of the things mentioned in this poem I could tell you a accident or incident where she has saved a life. When the bluegrass/country singer Ricky Skaggs son was shot by a crased driver. Who was first on the scene and saved the little boys life? My sister Cathy. Regardless of the noterity she came home and cried because a child had been hurt like that. If anyone wants a hero to look up to, I sure can point the way, right to my sister. In my eyes she truly is an angel here on earth. I love you Sis.