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My Own Prison
by SunRae ©copyright2000

In the shadows
Of a darkened soul
I linger there forboding told
Tolling bells of doom and gloom
Let me out of this darkened room

I scratch the walls
My fingers bleed
Extracting hands from velvet shroud
My heart blood, racing pulsing fast
White waxen images, pale in contrast

Secrets speak of mystery
When hidden lies are burnished
Keeping locked the doors of hell
A tortured memory of ones own past
Society's boundries leave them aghast

Do your penance
Serve your time
Don't expose those who were unkind
Leave the cave of darkness unatoned
Don't let them hear the anguished moan

Wash my feet, drink the blood
break the bread, lift the veil
Expose the soul, who is who?
Do you know? Keep the faith if you can
Turn your back on the sins of man