The Legend
There is an Indian legend
which says: "When a human
dies there is a bridge
they must cross to enter
into heaven. At the head
of that bridge waits
every animal that human
encountered during their
lifetime. The animals,
based upon what they know
of this person, decide
which humans may cross the
bridge, and which are
turned away."
by SunRae
©copyright 2000
He walked his path softly.
Each step a stealth of age.
His heart was a strong one.
Born of experience and rage.
His eyes of soft amber,
Glowed with the sorrow he knew.
Seeing all the tomorrows.
Thinking of a yesteryear,
when all was new.
He could see his tomorrows,
In all his yesterdays.
His paths all trodden now,
No respect left for his ways.
He will go quietly,
He will make no sound.
For his paths are covered now,
With concrete instead of ground.
While he is the Shywolf,
With wisdom born of years.
Mankind is a greedy beast,
That kills what it fears.
Although his path is camouflaged
hidden from outward view,
Shywolf travels in your
concious soul, and is
walking along side of you.
Be wary of the greed
that your instincts,
have layed waste to.
Without understanding
it is killing the
Shywolf in you.
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Music by Elan Michaels