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Valentines For Friends
by SunRae ©1999

The little angel when first
learning to fly
took his lonely search
so very high

In his hands were
arrow and bow
to capture a heart pure,
true and thru it love
and kindness would flow

In his pockets he carried
something ageless and
old as time, something perfect,
a feeling, a glow, sublime.

It was ammunition of the angels
given specially to him
for with this weapon
he could do nothing but win.

Now with his arrow
fireing straight and true
the weapon he used is
coming right at you.

For you see with it
I can not fail
You can't resist
to no avail.

It is my heart, my love
for all of you
and long as the feeling
is pure and true,
You can't turn away
or feel blue.