Kunuhwela`tu' Othahyu`n!'
Thanksgiving to the Wolf
She has cooled my skin on a Summer's day
She has wrapped my body
and bones in her
healing waters
She has filled my eyes
with many wonders,
My heart with peace,
My soul with love and
respect for all waters.
Wild and raging at
flood time, she is
not a "tame" river
Her force and power
teach Reverence and
humility,Awe and respect.
She is the River of
Life to the Nations
on her shores
She feeds the wild rice
beds and sustains the
Wild Rice People.
Her waters are so clear
and clean that Rock
and weed, trout and
crayfish, And all
manner of river
mysteries can be seen
in her depths.
The fishes breathe her
sweet essence.
The waterbirds and eagles
are attracted to her shores.
I have been in her stream
when she was languid
and gently dreaming;
I have been in her strong
current and the swollen
torrent of her at flood
Each time I have come
to her banks,
Each time I have been
touched by her waters
She has lifted my
life-spirit higher.
Just thinking of her or
saying her name gives me
Wolf, Wolf, Wolf
Great River Force,
Heart-Center of Nations,
Mother of Many Waters,
You continue to be as the
Creator intended you to be.
I give thanks that yet
you continue
And pray that generations
in the future will likewise
offer their thanksgiving.
--Barbara E. Munson
May 1996
Please do not take these graphics. They
are copyrighted and you MUST obtain
permission from Sam Silverhawk to use
them. Thank You
Music by Elan Michaels