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Woman To Woman Talk
By: SunRae copyright2001

Woman to Woman
I want to tell you
how much I respect
and honor you.
How everyday when
I need a friend, your
heart has reached out.
Your caring has no end.

Woman to Woman
your far above the rest.
With your patience and
giving, time after time
you have withstood the test

Woman to Woman
You have nurtured your
family and friends.
Picked them up when they
were down, made them
smile through tears and even
held them at the end.

Woman to Woman
Your strength amazes me so.
The wisdom you hold from
years of trials is beyond
any degree I may hold.

Woman to Woman
I want to say, Before this
lifetime ends. I love you;
Not only for what and who
you are but, also for being,
my best friend.

This was written as an Easter gift to my friend Donna. The bonds of friendship in a womanhood are something men have tried for years to figure out, but they never will. They are bonds of strength and resolution, with a deep knowing of where our life path has taken us. It comes from being in touch with our feminity and knowing it is shared. Only a woman can know the deep pain and joy in sharing the vortex of lifegiving. Only a woman knows the gift of sharing that life giving power with others.

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