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by SunRae ©1999

Awww such a sad ending. Has all the
heart been taken away? covered in
cement? never to see the light of day.
has the longing vanqiushed? Reality set
in where the dream once was formed?
has it turned into something that once
was wished? aww sweet baby how did we
let it go.
banter the words to and fro. Makes no
sense. Where is the you I came to know?

  I am somewhere in your future and you
will know me when I arrive. I pulse
inside your blood and you will always
feel me with you. This love of mine
spans all time. feel me, smell me,
breath me in, touch the soul of me.
I am the soft inside of a kittens ear.I
am the fragrance of the sweetest flower.
I am the air that you breath to keep
life in your body. I am the energy you
feel during a powerful thunderstorm. I
am your lifes blood. And this is no
ending for our souls.

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