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the book of numbers:

this is a collection
of poems that i
wrote when i was
between the ages
of 17 and 19. i
found it while going
threw my mothers
belongings after
she pasted away.

i have typed them
out exactly the way
they appeared in the
book without any form
of editing what so
ever so please excuse
the spelling and grammer.


They seem far away
     you reach up to gRab
But on this cloudy night
     The stars you can't have


(this one was unreadable)


The night Rolls in with a
silence all its own,

the Rats are in the corn
   a sinful child is born

     Kicking and scReaming
     They dRag it far away
the evil forces inside
the guilt They tried to hide


The Thought of life Runs through my 
head as Rivers of water flow...

(the rest is unreadable)


I hold in hand the key to life
     oh! can't you hear my CRies

I feel insid the Burning TruTh
     just look into my eyes


hey all you peopl
come and see,
come and see them crucify me...

They did it to JESUS
They're doing it to god

It supposed to be loving
but hyprocriticly ODD!!!


when Things
fall Down
and life seems

when the world spins 
Twice I've gone
not once returned
in this shallow 
pool I've




Gone are the days of
     peace and love
plucked are the wings and 
     eyes of that dove
Slayen is the man
     who held it in hand with
the fear in his eyes and
the pain in his cRies

Born are the days of
     sin and hate
a world wanting peace But
     ThaT's not its fate
Slayen is the DOVE
Who dared fly above

love in its eyes
and pain as it dies

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