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08/28/02 Ok 3 what. I have nothing to say, wait yes I do.

I think that people are scared of each other. When you satart talking to someone in a new class or anywhere and they don't know you. They get all defencive and shit! Why? That is pretty stupid.

05/24/02 Sorry it has been so long since I updated. I am getting married soon and have not had the time to play online. I mainly did an update now because of two reason...1st Kevin made me! 2nd I have something to say about terrorist. Why the fuck are they so made at us. Are they mad because we have a system that works? Is it because we have Eminem and Marilyn Manson? They say it is beacuse we support Isreal but I know of no one that really gives a flying fuck about the Delaware sized country. Just because we sold them some tanks doesn't make us resposible for what they do with them. I think the whole thing is rediculous and sad.

Again, sorry for the political ranting but I am prond to be a american because we live somewhere that people like eminem and marilyn manson can come about. We can have all our differences and still not be forced to feel as though we have to blow up supermarkets and restraunts of the people we dislike and blame it on still another grow. Sorry, I agree, the Palestinians have been screwed, but it is not Americas fault.


think i got all the bugs out. put a few new things up. check out the poem in the not my poems section called l(a>. still working on some artwork, maybe i will put some up soon. til next time...


i put a poem up and i am still working out the graphics. the poem is from the old version of the site. i don't think i will post all of the old poems.

check out the games i put up. hyperoid is fun; however, you have to download it.

Pfil is the cutes anime character every draw...Have some fun with her

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