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Washington D.C. Metro Area Chapter


Meetings & Minutes

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Commission for Labor Cooperation
Washington, D.C.
Minutes from the July 27, 2004 meeting

Attending: Mario Ascencio (George Mason University), María E. Díaz (Commission for Labor Cooperation), Katherine Faulkner (University of Maryland), Becky Hebert (National Network of Libraries of Medicine), Del Hornbuckle (Provisions Library), Sarah Bradley Leighton (Library of Congress), Laura Moldanado (George Washington University), María Elena Nino (D.C. Public Library),

I. Welcome and introduction

II. Conference reports

  1. María attended the Reforma meeting at ALA. She also went to a session about library services for migrant workers. Computer labs and electronic library services are being set up in unique locations, such as police stations. The goal is to find locations where the target population feels safe and comfortable.
  2. Mario gave an overview of Reforma's activity on ALA's National Legislative Day. They visited Rep. Grijalva (D-AZ), who explained that he is working to gather bipartisan support to lessen the power of the Patriot Act, as it applies to libraries.
  3. Becky Hebert explained her work as the Specific Populations Outreach Coordinator of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Southeastern/Atlantic Region. She travels extensively to do outreach regarding Spanish health information sources from the National Library of Medicine. Her seminars count for Medical Library Association Continuing Education Credits. She mentioned that the Oregon state government has a web site that provides a nice dictionary of occupational safety and health terms in English and Spanish.

III. Chapter Web Page

  • Add history of the chapter (María Díaz)
    • Elena has the current print archives of the chapter.
  • List of local storytellers/preformers (Maria Elena Nino)
  • List of libraries that offer volunteer/paid positions for students
  • Sarah mentioned mentoring for new members.
  • Future project = Compile a list of libraries with outreach material available in Spanish. Maria Elena is going to look through the directory of D.C. libraries. We can each contact a few libraries. María Elizabeth will think of a way to present the information we gather.

IV. The Chapter bank account (Mario)

Mario had to get our tax id. number to set up an account. He reminded everyone to send membership dues directly to the national office.

V. Del Hornbuckle described The Provisions Library (

She noted that several charter schools, including César Chávez ( have visited the library.

VI. Future Meetings

  • Tuesday, September 14. The Provisions Library. 3 - 5 p.m.
  • Tuesday, November 9 OR Tuesday, November 16. The ALA National Office. The Thompson Corporation would like to give a presentation about their Spanish language products).
  • María Elizabeth will contact Jerome, with the Association of Research Libraries to see if they are willing to host a meeting in the future.