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Washington D.C. Metro Area Chapter


Meetings & Minutes

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The Provisions Library
Washington, D.C.
Minutes from the September 14, 2004 meeting

Attending: Mario Ascencio (George Mason University), María E. Díaz (Commission for Labor Cooperation), Katherine Faulkner (University of Maryland), Del Hornbuckle (Provisions Library), Alicia Koundakjian (Provisions Library), Sarah Bradley Leighton (Library of Congress), Elissa Miller (Arlington County Public Library), Taru Spiegel (Library of Congress), Bill Wilson (University of Maryland)

I. Welcome and introduction

II. Veterans History Project at the Library of Congress (Taru Spiegel (

The project began in 2000, but really got underway in 2001. It is a 20th Century oral history project, but it has grown to include a collection of memorabilia. The primary focus is

  • World War I (1914-1920)
  • World War II (1939-1946)
  • Korean War (1950-1955)
  • Vietnam War (1961-1975)
  • Persian Gulf War (1990-1995)
  • Originally, it was an unfunded mandate. Now, the project is s made possible by the generous support of the United States Congress, AARP (Founding Corporate Sponsor), and the Disabled American Veterans (DAV) Charitable Service Trust. It is estimated that each day we lose 1500 veterans. There are approximately 26 million veterans living. 300 veterans from WWI are still living and approximately 4 million are left from WWII. Some of the issues covered in the oral histories thus far include amazing stories of friendships, integration, women's roles, the GI bill, and housing. Two radio programs based on the project have occurred so far. National Geographic is also working on a book about it. Besides the oral histories, they have received lots of letters, journals, diaries. She explained the submission process and some of the forms.

    Del Hornbuckle is also on the black caucus; she offered to pass along information about the project.

    Taru noted that there can also be a catalog record for entire library collections. For instance, there is a project at the University of Texas that is collecting Hispanic WWII oral history collection project. As another example, it was noted that Diane Moore (DC public library collection development) went to the Rosie the River collection in Richmond, where they have material that would be appropriate for the Veterans History Project.

    III. Chapter presence at state library conferences

    Reforma has been invited to take part in a MLA preconference, May 4 - 6, in Ocean City. It's called Project Adelante ( Project Adelante is a library services and technology act grant awarded to the Eastern Shore Regional Library for improving services to the growing Latino community on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. 

    There is an MLA conference planning meeting Tuesday, the 21st, at the MLA office at 2 p.m., so we would have to let someone know by then if we are going to participate. Lee Weisel would be the contact person regarding any session ideas. Bill Wilson noted that a typical program slot is 75 minutes.

    After some discussion, it was decided that we stick to our past idea of a session about collection development. Elissa suggested inviting particular vendors (Libros Latinos?). Otherwise, ALA has a free table out in hall during the conference and we discussed the possibility of having some Reforma brochures there. Mario said he would talk to Margaret Carty about sharing the free table, or having own table, right next to ALA. Sarah Bradley said she could stand at the table for a while, if needed.

    Virginia Library Association-- can we get a table there? Mario noted that Ruth Kifer, from George Mason, is the incoming president of the VLA.

    IV. Hispanic heritage month events

    Maria encouraged everyone to send her information about events.

    V. Review site map and preparing information for the web site

    Maria handed out her sample site map.

    VI. Review brochure draft

    Mario said he has received some brochures from the National office. There was some discussion about having the D.C.-specific flier note the 20th anniversary of the chapter.

    VII. Discussion points re: NLLD for next meeting

    Representative Grijalva's daughter is coming to the next Reforma meeting.

    VIII. Additional chapter business

    Bill said he has talked to someone at the University of Maryland about recruiting Hispanic librarians. They are planning to set up an afternoon or evening information session for Spanish speaking students at the University of Maryland, to encourage them to consider CLIS for graduate school. Bill also passed out the Outlook (campus staff newspaper) with Patricia Herron on the cover.

    IX. Future Meetings

    • Tuesday, November 9. The ALA National Office. (The Thompson Corporation would like to give a presentation about their Spanish language products).
    • Saturday, December 18. Christmas party at the home of Mario Ascencio.

    X. Tour of the Provisions Library (Del Hornbuckle and Alicia Koundakjian)