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Washington D.C. Metro Area Chapter


Meetings & Minutes

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District of Columbia Public Library
Minutes from the April 29, 2002 meeting

Attending: Elissa Miller (V. President), Paola Faúndez, Maria Niño, Molly Raphael, Elena Tscherny, Toni Bissessar, Mario A. Ascencio (President), Patricia Pasqual, Karen Berelowitz, Yema J. Tucker, Maria Martinez, and Maria E. Diaz.

I. Welcome & Introductions

II. Welcome by Molly Raphael, DCPL Director
A. Mrs. Raphael welcomed Reforma members and talked about some of the challenges the library faces in serving the Latino community.

III. Feria del Libro/Book Fair 2002 Report
A. The feria del libro at the Arlington County Public Library was a great success. Co-sponsored by Reforma and Arlington County PL, the feria del library had national and local book vendors on site.

IV. Treasurer's Report
A. Maria Martinez reported that our balance is $929.03, but we're still paying $6.00/month for our checking account.

V. REFORMA Information Packets
A. Toni Bissessar suggested having information packets made of up newsletters, flyers, and membership forms. These information packets should be on hand when ever REFORMA has an event or one of our speakers speaks on behalf of REFORMA.

VI. Trejo Foster Foundation 6th Institute

VII. Chapter Elections in July
A. The Chapter needs to plan elections for a new president, vice-president, and treasurer. In addition, our chapter has been without a secretary. Therefore, a secretary should be elected. Elena Tscherny express an interest in organizing the election and will seek the help of Mena Whitmore. Election information is forthcoming.

VIII. Recruitment of Para-Professionals
A. Mario would like to see a recruiting session for para-professionals, in particular bilingual individuals. It would be best to partner up with other library associations, such as DCLA.

IX. Announcements

X. Next Meetings
A. University of Maryland Libraries, July 29, 2002 3-5pm.
B. Arlington County Public Library, Sept. 9, 2002 3-5pm.
C. Alexandria Library, Ellen Coolidge Burke Branch (November ?)