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Washington D.C. Metro Area Chapter


Meetings & Minutes

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Montgomery County Public Library, Rockville, MD
Minutes from the February 11, 2002 meeting

Attending: Mario Ascencio (President), Elissa Miller (V. President), Maria Elisa Martinez (Treasurer), Toni Bissessar (Arlington County), Linda Tse, Yuli Esther, Peter Fekety, Gilberto Zelaya, Betty Valdes (Montgomery County), Bill Wilson (U Md)

I. Welcome - Harriet Henderson, Montgomery County PL, Directory
A.Harriet Henderson welcomed Reforma members and briefly reviewed activities and efforts that MCPL has undertaken to develop multicultural services throughout their system. These include the following:

1. Cultural Minorities Office (20 years) - now Multicultural Services. 2. Strategic planning to develop a plan, taking into account demographics and diversity throughout the county. 3. Multicultural Plan that includes staff training, language and ESL collections, weblinks and efforts to strengthen outreach and access. 4. Book Discussions in Spanish and Chinese. 5. Language and Computer Labs. 6. Participation in the Telemundo project to publicize libraries and reading.
B.Ms. Henderson emphasized the continued commitment of MCPL, interest in recruitment of bilingual librarians and the desire to continue with an exchange of ideas.

II. Feria del Libro 2002
A.Reforma and Arlington County PL will be co-hosting a 2nd Spanish Book Fair on April 19, 2002 at the Arlington County Central Library. National and local vendors have been invited. Reforma members signed up to assist with publicity and logistics.

III. Maryland Library Association Conference
A.The annual conference will be held on May 8-10th in Ocean City, MD. Reforma members have been asked to attend and participate in a pre-conference on "Multicultural Work Environments".

IV. Trejo Foster Foundation Planning Committee
A.The next Trejo Foster Foundation Conference is being planned for March 2003 for Washington, D.C. The Smithsonian Latino Institute will cosponsor the conference. Reforma, particularly our chapter, will play a key role in coming up for a theme and organizing the conference.

V. Recruitment of Bilingual Librarians
A.There was a brief brainstorming discussion on organizing programs to reach out to para-professionals in libraries. Toni Bissessar will follow up with Mario.

VI. Treasurer's Report
A.There is a balance of $663 in the chapter account. Efforts need to be made to follow up on membership renewals. Reforma National has instituted a new accounting system for all chapters.

VII. Announcements
A.Check out the new webpage. A host is still needed.
B.Next meeting: Monday April 29, 2002 3-5pm at DC Public Library Main Library, located at 901 G Street, NW. For more information contact Mario Ascencio at (202) 724-8698 or